All Stories

  1. Reading from, Reading into: The Challenge of the Bamboo Odes
  2. Master Zhuang’s blue guitar
  3. The Comparative History of East Asian Literatures: A Sort of Manifesto
  4. "Lyric Lost and Found"
  5. The Return of Orality
  6. Intersections, Interferences, Interdisciplines
  7. Macaronics as What Eludes Translation
  8. Helen Tartar, in Memoriam
  9. 7 Matteo Ricci the Daoist
  10. Gloria Bien Baudelaire in China: A Study in Literary Reception Baudelaire in China: A Study in Literary Reception . Gloria Bien. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2013. Pp. ix+283.
  11. Les corps dans le Taoïsme ancien: L’infirme, l’informe, l’infâme by Romain Graziani
  13. Rahel Varnhagen and Goethe
  14. The Refugee Speaks of Parvenus and Their Beautiful Illusions: A Rediscovered 1934 Text by Hannah Arendt
  15. The Chinese Aesthetic Tradition. By Li Zehou, translated by Maija Bell Samei. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2010. xix, 257 pp. $50.00 (cloth).
  16. Comparisons, World Literature, and the Common Denominator
  17. Introduction to New Perspectives on Material Culture and Intermedial Practice
  18. Interplanetary Literature
  19. The dimensionality of world literature
  20. Letter from ACLA President Haun Saussy
  21. Alex Hughes,France/China: Intercultural Imaginings(London: MHRA and Maney Publishing, 2007 – Legenda Series Research Monographs in French Studies, 22). 115 pages. ISBN–13: 978–1–904350–90–3. £35.00.
  22. Contestatory Classics in 1920s China
  23. Comparative Literature in an Age of Globalization . Edited by Haun Saussy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006. Pp. v+261.
  24. Getting Mimetic Again
  25. Sinographies: Writing China. By Eric Hayot, Haun Saussy, and Steven G. Yao, eds. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2008. Pp. 408. ISBN 10: 0816647240; 13: 978-0816647248.
  27. Worrying about China: The Language of Chinese Critical Inquiry. By Gloria Davies. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2007. x, 312 pp. $39.95 (cloth).
  28. China and the World: The Tale of a Topos
  29. Forum on Language Policy and the Politics of Language
  30. Death and Translation
  31. Language and Literature?a Pedagogical Continuum?
  32. Language and Literature on the Pedagogical Continuum; or, Life Begins after Proficiency
  33. Illuminations from the Past: Trauma, Memory, and History in Modern China (review)
  34. Chiasmus
  35. The Age of Attribution: Or, How the "Honglou meng" Finally Acquired an Author
  36. Great Walls of Discourse, and Other Adventures in Cultural China
  37. Comparative Literature?
  38. Book Review: China in the World Market: Chinese Industry and International Sources of Reform in the Post-Mao EraMooreThomas G., China in the World Market: Chinese Industry and International Sources of Reform in the Post-Mao Era.Cambridge: Cambridge Uni...
  39. Ecrits de linguistique generale
  40. Saussure, Ferdinand de.Ecrits de linguistique generale. Ed. Simon Bouquet and Rudolf Engler. Paris: Gallimard, 2002. Pp. 353.
  41. The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, Volume 2
  42. Outside the Parenthesis (Those People Were a Kind of Solution)
  43. Women Writers of Traditional China: An Anthology of Poetry and Criticism
  44. Ideology, Power, Text: Self-Representation and the Peasant "Other" in Modern Chinese Literature
  45. Always Multiple Translation, Or, How the Chinese Language Lost Its Grammar
  46. Rereading the Stone: Desire and the Making of Fiction in Dream of the Red Chamber
  47. Die Hymnen der chinesischen Staatsopfer: Literatur und Ritual in der politischen Repräsentation von der Han-Zeit bis zu den Sechs Dynastien
  48. Mains Libres...[Hands Free...]
  49. Geole [Jail]
  50. Trame [Web]
  51. A Note on Rene Belance
  52. The Pheasant Cap Master (He guan zi): A Rhetorical Reading
  53. Repetition, Rhyme, and Exchange in The Book of Odes
  54. Martino Martini, A Humanist and Scientist in Seventeenth-Century China. Edited by Franco Demarchi and Riccardo Scartezzini. Trento, Italy: Università degli Studi di Trento, 1996. xiv, 381 pp. Lit. 50,000.
  55. Writings on China
  56. The Problem of a Chinese Aesthetic
  57. La propension des choses: Pour une histoire de l'efficacite en Chine
  58. The Problem of a Chinese Aesthetic
  59. Writing in the Odyssey: Eurykleia, Parry, Jousse, and the Opening of a Letter from Homer
  60. The Problem of a Chinese Aesthetic
  61. The Poetics of Appropriation: The Literary Theory and Practice of Huang Tingjian
  62. The Problem of a Chinese Aesthetic
  63. Die Fährte des Herzens: Die Lehre vom Herzensbestreben (zhi 志) im Grossen Vorwort zum Shijing 詩經 (review)
  64. The Problem of a Chinese Aesthetic.
  65. The Tao and the Logos: Literary Hermeneutics, East and West
  66. Poetry and Personality: Reading, Exegesis, and Hermeneutics in Traditional China
  67. Reading and Folly in Dream of the Red Chamber