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  1. The ability to maintain rhythm is predictive of ADHD diagnosis and profile
  2. The heritability of ability tilts
  3. The search query filter bubble: effect of user ideology on political leaning of search results through query selection
  4. Sex differences in scientific productivity and impact are largely explained by the proportion of highly productive individuals: a whole-population study of researchers across six disciplines in Sweden
  5. Decreases in divergent thinking across age groups from 2005 to 2018 amongst school children in Sudan
  6. Sex differences and occupational choice Theorizing for policy informed by behavioral science✰
  7. Numbers of publications and citations for researchers in fields pertinent to the social services: a comparison of peer-reviewed journal publications across six disciplines
  8. Six-year prognosis of anxiety and depression caseness and their comorbidity in a prospective population-based adult sample
  9. Syncopation and Groove in Polyphonic Music
  10. The possible role of field independence/dependence on developmental sex differences in general intelligence
  11. Gender quotas and company financial performance: A systematic review
  12. “Blessed are the Nations with High Levels of Schizophrenia”: National Level Schizophrenia Prevalence and Its Relationship with National Levels of Religiosity
  13. The cascade of chaos: From early adversity to interpersonal aggression.
  14. Diminishing returns as a function of the association between within-individual average performance and variance
  15. Genius and premature birth: little evidence that claims about historically eminent scientists are accurate
  16. Further evidence that the worst performance rule is a special case of the correlation of sorted scores rule
  17. Crying
  18. Five-Factor Model
  19. Types of Crying
  20. Sex Differences in Crying
  21. Sex Differences in Spatial Abilities
  22. Spare the rod and spoil the group’s cultural fitness? Conditions under which corporal punishment leads to detrimental and beneficial outcomes
  23. Meta-Analytic Analysis of Invariance Across Samples: Introducing a Method That Does Not Require Raw Data
  24. Gender Dysphoria and Transgender Identity Is Associated with Physiological and Psychological Masculinization: a Theoretical Integration of Findings, Supported by Systematic Reviews
  25. Correction and Validation of Time-Critical Behavioral Measurements over the Internet in the Stage Twin Cohort with More Than 7000 Participants
  26. The Correlation of Sorted Scores Rule
  27. Motor timing training improves sustained attention performance but not fluid intelligence: near but not far transfer
  28. Sex differences in the number of scientific publications and citations when attaining the rank of professor in Sweden
  29. Sex Differences in Crying
  30. Types of Crying
  31. Crying
  32. The Myth of the Stupid Believer: The Negative Religiousness–IQ Nexus is Not on General Intelligence (g) and is Likely a Product of the Relations Between IQ and Autism Spectrum Traits
  33. Psycho-affective pathology in adults with congenital heart disease: Important progress is being made within a challenging field
  34. Tuning in on motivation: Differences between non-musicians, amateurs, and professional musicians
  35. Why do High IQ Societies Differ in Intellectual Achievement? The Role of Schizophrenia and Left‐Handedness in Per Capita Scientific Publications and Nobel Prizes
  36. Explicating Politicians' Arguments for Sex Quotas in Sweden: Increasing Power and Influence Rather Than Increasing Quality and Productivity
  37. Five-Factor Model
  38. Sex Differences in Spatial Abilities
  39. Evolution of Punishment
  40. Sex differences on Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices within Saudi Arabia and across the Arab world: Females' advantage decreases from childhood to adolescence
  41. Predicting Adherence to Internet-Delivered Psychotherapy for Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety After Myocardial Infarction: Machine Learning Insights From the U-CARE Heart Randomized Controlled Trial
  42. Communicating intelligence research: Media misrepresentation, the Gould Effect, and unexpected forces
  43. Music's Evolutionary Role In Sexual Selection
  44. Why do middle-class couples of European descent adopt children from Africa and Asia? Some support for the differential K model
  45. National-level Indicators of Androgens are Related to the Global Distribution of Scientific Productivity and Science Nobel Prizes
  46. Machine Learning for Predicting Adherence to Internet-Delivered Psychotherapy for Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety after Myocardial Infarction: Insights from the U-CARE Heart Trial (Preprint)
  47. Comparisons of content and scientific quality indicators across peer-reviewed journal articles with more or less gender perspective: gender studies can do better
  48. Understanding the Simber Effect: Why is the age-dependent increase in children's cognitive ability smaller in Arab countries than in Britain?
  49. Associations Between Musical Aptitude, Alexithymia, and Working in a Creative Occupation.
  50. The Mutant Says in His Heart, “There Is No God”: the Rejection of Collective Religiosity Centred Around the Worship of Moral Gods Is Associated with High Mutational Load
  51. The Paradox of Isochrony in the Evolution of Human Rhythm
  52. Musical improvisation skill in a prospective partner is associated with mate value and preferences, consistent with sexual selection and parental investment theory: Implications for the origin of music
  53. The worst performance rule with elderly in abnormal cognitive decline
  54. Temporal changes in myocardial infarction incidence rates are associated with periods of perceived psychosocial stress: A SWEDEHEART national registry study
  55. Execution, Violent Punishment and Selection for Religiousness in Medieval England
  56. Predicting two-year survival versus non-survival after first myocardial infarction using machine learning and Swedish national register data
  57. Sex differences in brain size and general intelligence ( g )
  58. Objectivity and realms of explanation in academic journal articles concerning sex/gender: a comparison of Gender studies and the other social sciences
  59. Young adulthood cognitive ability predicts statin adherence in middle-aged men after first myocardial infarction: A Swedish National Registry study
  60. Repeated Listening Increases the Liking for Music Regardless of Its Complexity: Implications for the Appreciation and Aesthetics of Music
  61. Cognitive ability, lifestyle risk factors, and two-year survival in first myocardial infarction men: A Swedish National Registry study
  62. Intelligence, competitive altruism, and “clever silliness” may underlie bias in academe
  63. Parental Effort Vs. Mating Effort
  64. Executive control and working memory are involved in sub-second repetitive motor timing
  65. Slow and Steady Wins the Race: K Positively Predicts Fertility in the USA and Sweden
  66. Common genetic influences on intelligence and auditory simple reaction time in a large Swedish sample
  67. Correspondence between physical self-concept and participation in, and fitness change after, bi-weekly body conditioning classes in sedentary women
  68. Demographic, economic, and genetic factors related to national differences in ethnocentric attitudes
  69. Why Do Finnish Men Marry Thai Women But Finnish Women Marry British Men? Cross-National Marriages in a Modern, Industrialized Society Exhibit Sex-Dimorphic Sexual Selection According to Primordial Selection Pressures
  70. Secular Slowing of Auditory Simple Reaction Time in Sweden (1959–1985)
  71. Musical information increases physical performance for synchronous but not asynchronous running
  72. The genetic architecture of correlations between perceptual timing, motor timing, and intelligence
  73. The intelligence and personality of Finland's Swedish-speaking minority
  74. Can gender studies be studied? Reply to comments on Söderlund and Madison
  75. Longitudinal study exploring factors associated with neck/shoulder pain at 52 years of age
  76. Individual Differences in Personality Masculinity-Femininity: Examining the Effects of Genes, Environment, and Prenatal Hormone Transfer
  77. Even “Bigger Gods” developed amongst the pastoralist followers of Moses and Mohammed: Consistent with uncertainty and disadvantage, but not prosocality
  78. Flow and Individual Differences – A Phenotypic Analysis of Data from More than 10,000 Twin Individuals
  79. Sex Differences in Adult Intelligence in Sweden
  80. Quantifying Microtiming Patterning and Variability in Drum Kit Recordings: A Method and Some Data
  81. Estimating the strength of genetic selection against heritable g in a sample of 3520 Americans, sourced from MIDUS II
  82. Did sexual selection shape human music? Testing predictions from the sexual selection hypothesis of music evolution using a large genetically informative sample of over 10,000 twins
  83. Characteristics of gender studies publications: a bibliometric analysis based on a Swedish population database
  84. Investigating cognitive transfer within the framework of music practice: genetic pleiotropy rather than causality
  85. Strategic differentiation and integration of genomic-level heritabilities facilitate individual differences in preparedness and plasticity of human life history
  86. Associations between motor timing, music practice, and intelligence studied in a large sample of twins
  87. Shared timing variability in eye and finger movements increases with interval duration: Support for a distributed timing system below and above one second
  88. The association between g and K in a sample of 4246 Swedish twins: A behavior genetic analysis
  89. Predictors of continued playing or singing - from childhood and adolescence to adult years
  90. Genetic Pleiotropy Explains Associations between Musical Auditory Discrimination and Intelligence
  91. Recovery after aerobic exercise is manipulated by tempo change in a rhythmic sound pattern, as indicated by autonomic reaction on heart functioning
  92. Syncopation creates the sensation of groove in synthesized music examples
  93. Feminist activist women are masculinized in terms of digit-ratio and social dominance: a possible explanation for the feminist paradox
  94. What musicians do to induce the sensation of groove in simple and complex melodies, and how listeners perceive it
  95. Practice Does Not Make Perfect
  96. Strategic differentiation–integration effort amongst the 47 prefectures of Japan
  97. Psychometric properties and heritability of a new online test for musicality, the Swedish Musical Discrimination Test
  98. Sensori-motor synchronisation variability decreases as the number of metrical levels in the stimulus signal increases
  99. Swedish Musical Discrimination Test
  100. Physical and Psychological Effects from Supervised Aerobic Music Exercise
  101. Establishing an association between the Flynn effect and ability differentiation
  102. The Effect of Microtiming Deviations on the Perception of Groove in Short Rhythms
  103. Whenever next: Hierarchical timing of perception and action
  104. Effects of practice on variability in an isochronous serial interval production task: Asymptotical levels of tapping variability after training are similar to those of musicians
  105. Musical intervention for patients with dementia: a meta-analysis
  106. Motor and executive control in repetitive timing of brief intervals.
  107. The Timing Accuracy of General Purpose Computers for Experimentation and Measurements in Psychology and the Life Sciences
  108. Statistical learning and prejudice
  109. Differentiation of Reinfection from Relapse in Recurrent Lyme Disease
  110. Genetic and Environmental Influences on the Relationship between Flow Proneness, Locus of Control and Behavioral Inhibition
  111. Heritability of proneness for psychological flow experiences
  112. Bottom–up mechanisms are involved in the relation between accuracy in timing tasks and intelligence — Further evidence using manipulations of state motivation
  113. Swedish Flow Proneness Questionnaire
  114. Differences in regional brain volume related to the extraversion–introversion dimension—A voxel based morphometry study
  115. Proneness for psychological flow in everyday life: Associations with personality and intelligence
  116. Intelligence and temporal accuracy of behaviour: unique and shared associations with reaction time and motor timing
  117. Modeling the tendency for music to induce movement in humans: First correlations with low-level audio descriptors across music genres.
  118. Ratings of speed in real music as a function of both original and manipulated beat tempo
  119. An Auditory Illusion of Infinite Tempo Change Based on Multiple Temporal Levels
  120. Human female exogamy is supported by cross-species comparisons: Cause to recognise sex differences in societal policy?
  121. Neuroticism is correlated with drift in serial time interval production
  122. Correlations between intelligence and components of serial timing variability
  123. On the role and origin of isochrony in human rhythmic entrainment
  124. Auditory feedback affects the long-range correlation of isochronous serial interval production: support for a closed-loop or memory model of timing
  125. What about the music? Music-specific functions must be considered in order to explain reactions to music
  126. Intelligence and Variability in a Simple Timing Task Share Neural Substrates in the Prefrontal White Matter
  127. Experiencing Groove Induced by Music: Consistency and Phenomenology
  128. Duration specificity in the long-range correlation of human serial interval production
  129. Timing of Action During and After Synchronization With Linearly Changing Intervals
  130. Human sensorimotor tracking of continuous subliminal deviations from isochrony
  131. Detection of linear temporal drift in sound sequences: empirical data and modelling principles
  132. Fractal modeling of human isochronous serial interval production
  133. Fractal modeling of human isochronous serial interval production
  134. Fractal modeling of human isochronous serial interval production
  135. On the limits of anisochrony in pulse attribution
  136. Variability in isochronous tapping: Higher order dependencies as a function of intertap interval.
  137. Variability in isochronous tapping: Higher order dependencies as a function of intertap interval.
  138. Properties of Expressive Variability Patterns in Music Performances
  139. Activation patterns during passive listening to regular and irregular pulse trains
  140. The Role of Timing Patterns in Recognition of Emotional Expression from Musical Performance
  141. Drift in Repetitive Timing