All Stories

  1. The think aloud method: what is it and how do I use it?
  2. Cognitive mediation of putting: Use of a think-aloud measure and implications for studies of golf-putting in the laboratory
  3. How do they make it look so easy? The expert orienteer’s cognitive advantage
  4. Effects of Imagery on Effort Perception and Cycling Endurance
  5. Clarifying the content coverage of differing psychopathy inventories through reference to the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure.
  6. The Relationship between Retirement Wealth and Householders' Lifetime Personal Financial and Investing Behaviors
  7. Effects of a collaborative annotation method on students’ learning and learning-related motivation and affect
  8. Olfactory Effects on Attention Allocation and Perception of Exertion
  9. Attention Strategies and Coping Mechanisms in Women With Fibromyalgia
  10. Collaborative Intelligent Systems for Education: Effects on Learning, Affects and Motivation