All Stories

  1. Damage to the left uncinate fasciculus is associated with heightened schizotypal traits: A multimodal lesion-mapping study
  2. Functional compensation of the left inferior longitudinal fasciculus for picture naming
  3. Electrical stimulation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex impairs semantic cognition
  4. Preserved metacognitive ability despite unilateral or bilateral anterior prefrontal resection
  5. In Reply to “In challenging the Myth of the Right Nondominant Hemisphere, Don't Go Too Far, Please”
  6. Challenging the Myth of Right Nondominant Hemisphere: Lessons from Corticosubcortical Stimulation Mapping in Awake Surgery and Surgical Implications
  7. Left Spatial Neglect Evoked by Electrostimulation of the Right Inferior Fronto-occipital Fasciculus
  8. Recovery of functional connectivity of the sensorimotor network after surgery for diffuse low-grade gliomas involving the supplementary motor area
  9. Neural pathways subserving face-based mentalizing
  10. Un atlas du potentiel neuroplastique chez les patients cérébrolésés
  11. Language, Cognitive and Emotional Evaluations
  12. Functional Rehabilitation in Patients with DLGG
  13. Converging evidence for a cortico-subcortical network mediating lexical retrieval
  14. Electrocorticography Is Not Necessary During Awake Brain Surgery for Gliomas
  15. Mapping neuroplastic potential in brain-damaged patients
  16. Case report: Remote neuromodulation with direct electrical stimulation of the brain, as evidenced by intra-operative EEG recordings during wide-awake neurosurgery
  17. Acute progression of untreated incidental WHO Grade II glioma to glioblastoma in an asymptomatic patient
  18. The dorsal cingulate cortex as a critical gateway in the network supporting conscious awareness
  19. Disrupting the right pars opercularis with electrical stimulation frees the song: case report
  20. Somatotopic organization of the white matter tracts underpinning motor control in humans: an electrical stimulation study
  21. A disconnection account of subjective empathy impairments in diffuse low-grade glioma patients
  22. Rethinking voxel-wise lesion-deficit analysis: A new challenge for computational neuropsychology
  23. Sexuality after surgery for diffuse low-grade glioma
  24. Functional reorganization of the attentional networks in low-grade glioma patients: A longitudinal study
  25. Integrating emotional valence and semantics in the human ventral stream: a hodological account
  26. The difference between electrical microstimulation and direct electrical stimulation – towards new opportunities for innovative functional brain mapping?
  27. Réseau moteur modulateur du lobe pariétal : modifications du mouvement lors de la stimulation électrique directe
  28. Reply: Probabilistic map of language regions: challenge and implication
  29. Asymmetric interhemispheric excitability evidenced by event-related potential amplitude patterns after “wide-awake surgery” of brain tumours
  30. Probabilistic map of critical functional regions of the human cerebral cortex: Broca’s area revisited
  31. Interfering with the neural activity of mirror-related frontal areas impairs mentalistic inferences
  32. The left inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus subserves language semantics: a multilevel lesion study
  33. Le faisceau occipito-frontal inferieur sous-tend la voie ventrale sémantique directe du langage : une approche multimodale
  34. Disrupting posterior cingulate connectivity disconnects consciousness from the external environment
  35. Parietal network underlying movement control: disturbances during subcortical electrostimulation
  36. Inferring a dual-stream model of mentalizing from associative white matter fibres disconnection
  37. Le faisceau occipito-frontal inférieur sous-tend la voie ventrale sémantique directe du langage : une approche multimodale
  38. Disruption of bimanual movement by unilateral subcortical electrostimulation
  39. Is the right frontal cortex really crucial in the mentalizing network? A longitudinal study in patients with a slow-growing lesion
  40. Mapping the connectivity underlying multimodal (verbal and non-verbal) semantic processing: A brain electrostimulation study
  41. Fonctions exécutives et traitement sémantique du langage
  42. Functional Rehabilitation in Patients with Diffuse Low-Grade Glioma (DLGG)
  43. Language and Other Cognitive Evaluations
  44. Toward a pluri-component, multimodal, and dynamic organization of the ventral semantic stream in humans: lessons from stimulation mapping in awake patients
  45. “Awake Surgery” of Slow-Growing Tumors and Cortical Excitability Measured by EEG Recordings: Preliminary Results
  46. Intraoperative subcortical electrical mapping of optic radiations in awake surgery for glioma involving visual pathways
  47. Subcortical electrostimulation to identify network subserving motor control
  48. Combination of neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgical resection as a new strategy for WHO grade II gliomas: a study of cognitive status and quality of life