All Stories

  1. A Model for Evolving Pore Space and Mineral-Induced Clogging in Porous Medium
  2. An experimental study on applying spatial TDR to determine bentonite suspension penetration
  3. A Novel Strategy to Predict Landslide Susceptibility
  4. A flow through coaxial cell to investigate high frequency broadband complex permittivity
  5. Permeability–porosity model considering oxidative precipitation of Fe
  6. State of the art on Fe precipitation in porous media
  7. Iron transformation in a coastal groundwater system
  8. Dynamic effects in soil water retention curves
  9. State-of-the-art on Fe Precipitation in Porous Media
  10. Impacts of Tidal Oscillations on Coastal Groundwater System in Reclaimed Land
  11. Mixed-Mode Fracture Propagation in Concrete SCCD
  12. Land utilization types on groundwater: a case study of Huocheng plain, Xinjiang, China
  13. Measurement of In-Situ Flow Rate in Borehole by Heat Pulse Flowmeter
  14. Investigate Effects of Solute Concentrations and Gas Injection Rates on Gas Bubble Generation
  15. Intrinsic permeabilities of transparent soil under various aqueous environmental conditions
  16. Investigating scale effects in soil water retention curve via spatial time domain reflectometry
  17. Discrete bubble flow in granular porous media via multiphase computational fluid dynamic simulation
  18. Two-phase displacement in 2D porous media
  19. The technical challenges for applying unsaturated soil sensors
  20. Forchheimer and Darcy flow in a transparent water-based soil surrogate
  21. Transient two-phase flow in porous media
  22. Discovery of dynamic two-phase flow in porous media
  23. Application of spatial time domain reflectometry
  24. Mesoscopic model framework for liquid slip in a confined parallel-plate flow channel
  25. Discrete microbubbles flow in transparent porous media
  26. A strip footing on geosynthetic-reinforced sand
  27. Pore-scale simulations
  28. Relative permeability of a porous medium
  29. Application of Image Analysis on Ground Displacement
  30. Quantification of soil state variables using electromagnetic methods
  31. Dynamic Effect in Capillary Pressure
  32. An experimental platform for measuring soil water characteristic curve
  33. Size distribution measurement for densely binding bubbles via image analysis
  34. Discrete microbubbles flow in transparent porous soils
  35. Transient two-phase flow in granular porous media: Multiscale experimental and numerical investigations of scale and dynamic effects in soil water retention behaviour