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  1. Replicating and extending Sengupta et al. (2023): Contact predicts no within-person longitudinal outgroup-bias change.
  2. News media impact on sociopolitical attitudes
  3. Double-pronged bias against black women: Sexism and racism (but not right-wing ideology) as unique predictors.
  4. Butchers’ and deli workers’ psychological adaptation to meat.
  5. The role of individual differences in understanding and enhancing intergroup contact
  6. Questioning white losses and anti-white discrimination in the United States
  7. Language framing shapes dehumanization of groups: A successful replication and extension of Cooley et al. (2017).
  8. Left-right differences in perspective-taking across US states
  9. Eating with our eyes (closed): Effects of visually associating animals with meat on antivegan/vegetarian attitudes and meat consumption willingness
  10. On the Generalization of Intergroup Contact: A Taxonomy of Transfer Effects
  11. Aggression Toward Sexualized Women Is Mediated by Decreased Perceptions of Humanness
  12. Why Pillory Hillary? Testing the endemic sexism hypothesis regarding the 2016 U.S. election
  13. Right‐wing adherence and objective numeracy as predictors of minority group size perceptions and size threat reactions
  14. When and why is religious attendance associated with antigay bias and gay rights opposition? A justification-suppression model approach.
  15. Intergroup Contact as an Agent of Cognitive Liberalization
  16. Left-right differences in abortion policy support in America: Clarifying the role of sex and sexism in a nationally representative 2016 sample
  17. Longitudinal effects of human supremacy beliefs and vegetarianism threat on moral exclusion (vs. inclusion) of animals
  18. When intergroup contact is uncommon and bias is strong: the case of anti-transgender bias
  19. Is the Dark Triad common factor distinct from low Honesty-Humility?
  20. Prejudice in the wake of terrorism: The role of temporal distance, ideology, and intergroup emotions
  21. Conservatism predicts lapses from vegetarian/vegan diets to meat consumption (through lower social justice concerns and social support)
  22. What's your beef with vegetarians? Predicting anti-vegetarian prejudice from pro-beef attitudes across cultures
  23. Predisposed to prejudice but responsive to intergroup contact? Testing the unique benefits of intergroup contact across different types of individual differences
  24. Bowing and kicking: Rediscovering the fundamental link between generalized authoritarianism and generalized prejudice
  25. Can left-right differences in abortion support be explained by sexism?
  26. Racial Identity
  27. Social Dominance Orientation
  28. Social Identity Theory (SIT)
  29. Multilevel Intergroup Contact and Antigay Prejudice (Explicit and Implicit)
  30. Common Ideological Roots of Speciesism and Generalized Ethnic Prejudice: The Social Dominance Human-Animal Relations Model (SD-HARM)
  31. Avoiding cultural contamination: Intergroup disgust sensitivity and religious identification as predictors of interfaith threat, faith-based policies, and islamophobia
  32. Surfing for Sexual Sin: Relations Between Religiousness and Viewing Sexual Content Online
  33. Who Needs Imagined Contact?
  34. Green on the outside, red on the inside: Perceived environmentalist threat as a factor explaining political polarization of climate change
  35. Derogating humor as a delegitimization strategy in intergroup contexts.
  36. From outgroups to allied forces: Effect of intergroup cooperation in violent and nonviolent video games on boosting favorable outgroup attitudes.
  37. They see us as less than human: Metadehumanization predicts intergroup conflict via reciprocal dehumanization.
  38. It ain’t easy eating greens: Evidence of bias toward vegetarians and vegans from both source and target
  39. Video game play and intergroup relations: Real world implications for prejudice and discrimination
  40. The Association of Cognitive Ability with Right-wing Ideological Attitudes and Prejudice: A Meta-analytic Review
  41. Development and validation of the Attitudes Towards Asexuals (ATA) scale
  42. Brothers and sisters in arms: Intergroup cooperation in a violent shooter game can reduce intergroup bias.
  43. The person-based nature of prejudice: Individual difference predictors of intergroup negativity
  44. Why are heterosexual men (vs. women) particularly prejudiced toward gay men? A social dominance theory explanation
  45. Does Lower Cognitive Ability Predict Greater Prejudice?
  46. Do American States with More Religious or Conservative Populations Search More for Sexual Content on Google?
  47. Is subjective ambivalence toward gays a modern form of bias?
  48. Tapping generalized essentialism to predict outgroup prejudices
  49. Can (elaborated) imagined contact interventions reduce prejudice among those higher in intergroup disgust sensitivity (ITG-DS)?
  50. Reasoning Ability and Ideology
  51. The development of online cross-group relationships among university students
  52. Why do right-wing adherents engage in more animal exploitation and meat consumption?
  53. Is it impolite to discuss cognitive differences between liberals and conservatives?
  54. Social dominance orientation connects prejudicial human–human and human–animal relations
  55. Does “humanization” of the preborn explain why conservatives (vs. liberals) oppose abortion?
  56. Risk Propensity Among Liberals and Conservatives
  57. Lay beliefs about the causes of and solutions to dehumanization and prejudice: do nonexperts recognize the role of human-animal relations?
  58. Is Homophobia Associated with an Implicit Same-Sex Attraction?
  59. The happy cyclist: Examining the association between generalized authoritarianism and subjective well-being
  60. The role of intergroup disgust in predicting negative outgroup evaluations
  61. Relations between risk perceptions and socio-political ideology are domain- and ideology- dependent
  62. Of babies and bathwater, and rabbits and rabbit holes: A plea for conflict prevention, not conflict promotion
  63. Expecting racial outgroups to view “us” as biased: A social projection explanation of Whites’ bias meta-stereotypes
  64. Explaining dehumanization among children: The interspecies model of prejudice
  65. Advances in Intergroup Contact
  66. Intergroup bias toward “Group X”: Evidence of prejudice, dehumanization, avoidance, and discrimination against asexuals
  67. Intergroup disgust sensitivity as a predictor of islamophobia: The modulating effect of fear
  68. Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes
  69. When Closing the Human–Animal Divide Expands Moral Concern
  70. Do Ideologically Intolerant People Benefit From Intergroup Contact?
  71. `Where the rubber hits the road’ en route to inter-group harmony: Examining contact intentions and contact behaviour under meta-stereotype threat
  72. Social dominance-based threat reactions to immigrants in need of assistance
  73. Prejudice-relevant correlates of humor temperaments and humor styles
  74. A joke is just a joke (except when it isn't): Cavalier humor beliefs facilitate the expression of group dominance motives.
  75. What Did You Just Call Me? European and American Ratings of the Valence of Ethnophaulisms
  76. Exploring the roots of dehumanization: The role of animal—human similarity in promoting immigrant humanization
  77. The role of “dark personalities” (narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy), Big Five personality factors, and ideology in explaining prejudice
  78. Experiencing Alien-Nation: Effects of a simulation intervention on attitudes toward homosexuals
  79. Independent benefits of contact and friendship on attitudes toward homosexuals among authoritarians and highly identified heterosexuals
  80. The puzzling person–situation schism in prejudice research
  81. Interracial prison contact: The pros for (socially dominant) cons
  82. Justice, Morality, and the Dehumanization of Refugees
  83. Interpersonal Disgust, Ideological Orientations, and Dehumanization as Predictors of Intergroup Attitudes
  84. The Role of Lay Perceptions of Ethnic Prejudice in the Maintenance and Perpetuation of Ethnic Bias
  85. Testing the Generality of the Name Letter Effect: Name Initials and Everyday Attitudes
  86. Aversive racism in Britain: the use of inadmissible evidence in legal decisions
  87. Lay perceptions of ethnic prejudice: causes, solutions, and individual differences
  88. Prejudice against drug users II — the enemy within
  89. A Theory of Uncertainty Orientation
  90. Prejudice against heroin users
  91. Uncertainty Orientation in the Group Context: Categorization Effects on Persuasive Message Processing
  92. The theory of uncertainty orientation: a mathematical reformulation
  93. Ingroup identification as a moderator of positive-negative asymmetry in social discrimination
  94. Public Attitudes Toward Immigration in the United States and Canada in Response to the September 11, 2001 "Attack on America"
  95. Distancing oneself from negative attributes and the personal/group discrimination discrepancy
  96. Processes in Racial Discrimination: Differential Weighting of Conflicting Information
  97. Uncertainty Orientation and the Big Five Personality Structure
  98. Aversive Racism: Bias without Intention
  99. Instrumental Relations Among Groups: Group Competition, Conflict, and Prejudice
  100. On the Nature of Contemporary Prejudice: From Subtle Bias to Severe Consequences