All Stories

  1. Mélanges and chaotic rock units: Implications for exhumed subduction complexes and orogenic belts
  2. The Mesozoic palaeoenvironmental richness of the Trieste Karst
  3. Mélanges in flysch-type formations: Reviewing geological constraints for a better understanding of complex formations with block-in-matrix fabric
  4. Polygenetic mélanges: a glimpse on tectonic, sedimentary and diapiric recycling in convergent margins
  5. Submarine Landslide Deposits in Orogenic Belts
  6. Mass‐Transport Complexes of the Marnoso‐arenacea Foredeep Turbidite System (Northern Apennines, Italy)
  7. Front Matter
  8. Diagnostic features and field-criteria in recognition of tectonic, sedimentary and diapiric mélanges in orogenic belts and exhumed subduction-accretion complexes
  9. Substrate deformation and incorporation in sedimentary mélanges (olistostromes): Examples from the northern Apennines (Italy) and northwestern Dinarides (Slovenia)
  10. Mélanges: 100th anniversary of the inception of the term and concept
  11. Middle Eocene giant slope failure (sedimentary mélanges) in the Ligurian accretionary wedge (NW Italy) and relationships with tectonics, global climate changes and gas hydrates dissociation
  12. A Geophysical-Geochemical Approach to the Study of the Paleogene Julian—Slovenian Basin “Megabeds” (Southern Alps—Northwestern Dinarides, Italy/Slovenia)
  13. Does subduction of mass transport deposits (MTDs) control seismic behavior of shallow–level megathrusts at convergent margins?
  14. Effects of dehydration and grinding on the mechanical shear behaviour of Ca-rich montmorillonite
  15. Origin and significance of olistostromes in the evolution of orogenic belts: A global synthesis
  16. Meso-Scale Kinematic Indicators in Exhumed Mass Transport Deposits: Definitions and Implications
  17. Understanding the Genesis of Mass Transport Deposits (MTDs) for Safe Mining Planning: Anhovo Quarry, Western Slovenia
  18. The carbonate mass transport deposits of the Paleogene Friuli Basin (Italy/Slovenia): Internal anatomy and inferred genetic processes
  19. Shear zone liquefaction in mass transport deposit emplacement: A multi-scale integration of seismic reflection and outcrop data
  20. Late Oligocene–early Miocene olistostromes (sedimentary mélanges) as tectono-stratigraphic constraints to the geodynamic evolution of the exhumed Ligurian accretionary complex (Northern Apennines, NW Italy)
  21. Venting and seepage systems associated with mud volcanoes and mud diapirs in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea
  22. High-Resolution Studies of Mass Transport Deposits: Outcrop Perspective for Understanding Modern Submarine Slope Failure and Associated Natural Hazards
  23. Structural anatomy of the Ligurian accretionary wedge (Monferrato, NW Italy), and evolution of superposed melanges
  24. Relationships between seep-carbonates, mud volcanism and basin geometry in the Late Miocene of the northern Apennines of Italy: the Montardone mélange
  25. Small-scale polygenetic mélanges in the Ligurian accretionary complex, Northern Apennines, Italy, and the role of shale diapirism in superposed mélange evolution in orogenic belts
  26. Mechanisms and processes of stratal disruption and mixing in the development of mélanges and broken formations: Redefining and classifying mélanges
  27. Mass transport-related stratal disruption within sedimentary mélanges: Examples from the northern Apennines (Italy) and south-central Pyrenees (Spain)
  28. Chaos and geodynamics: Mélanges, mélange-forming processes and their significance in the geological record
  29. Progressive development of block-in-matrix fabric in a shale-dominated shear zone: Insights from the Bobbio Tectonic Window (Northern Apennines, Italy)
  30. First report of a polychelid lobster (Crustacea: Decapoda: Coleiidae) from the Early Cretaceous of Italy
  31. The Specchio Unit (Northern Apennines, Italy): An Ancient Mass Transport Complex Originated from Near-Coastal Areas in an Intra-Slope Setting
  32. Sedimentary Mélanges and Fossil Mass-Transport Complexes: A Key for Better Understanding Submarine Mass Movements?
  33. Late Miocene seep-carbonates and fluid migration on top of the Montepetra intrabasinal high (Northern Apennines, Italy): Relations with synsedimentary folding
  34. Mélanges and mélange-forming processes: a historical overview and new concepts
  35. Peri-Adriatic mélanges and their evolution in the Tethyan realm
  36. Use of Tmax as a thermal maturity indicator in orogenic successions and comparison with clay mineral evolution
  37. Methane seepages recorded in benthic foraminifera from Miocene seep carbonates, Northern Apennines (Italy)
  38. Mud volcanoes, olistostromes and Argille scagliose in the Mediterranean region
  39. Basin-wide mass-wasting complexes as markers of the Oligo-Miocene foredeep-accretionary wedge evolution in the Northern Apennines, Italy
  40. The role of tectonic shear strain on the illitization mechanism of mixed-layers illite–smectite. A case study from a fault zone in the Northern Apennines, Italy
  41. Role of preexisting topography and overburden on strain partitioning of oblique doubly vergent convergent wedges
  42. Effect of unbalanced topography and overloading on Coulomb wedge kinematics: Insights from sandbox modeling
  43. Anatomy and emplacement mechanism of a large submarine slide within a Miocene foredeep in the northern Apennines, Italy: A field perspective
  44. Thermal history and exhumation of the Northern Apennines (Italy): evidence from combined apatite fission track and vitrinite reflectance data from foreland basin sediments
  45. Tectonosomes and olistostromes in the argille scagliose of the Northern Apennines, Italy
  46. Chapter C2 Integrated stratigraphy (biostratigraphy and geochronology) of the early miocene sequence from the emilian apennines (Italy)