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  1. β-Tricalcium Phosphate Interferes with the Assessment of Crystallinity in Burned Skeletal Remains
  2. XRF investigation on skeletal remains from King Peter III of Aragon (1239–1285 A.D.) and Queen Blanche of Anjou (1280–1310 A.D.)
  3. Las necrópolis protohistóricas tumulares de Cataluña meridional: el ejemplo de Sebes (Flix, Tarragona)
  4. Elemental investigation on Spanish dinosaur bones by x-ray fluorescence
  5. Is X-ray diffraction able to distinguish between animal and human bones?
  6. A multi-technique approach by XRD, XRF, FT-IR to characterize the diagenesis of dinosaur bones from Spain
  7. Cremation practices coexisting at the S’Illot des Porros Necropolis during the Second Iron Age in the Balearic Islands (Spain)
  8. An X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) investigation in human and animal fossil bones from Holocene to Middle Triassic
  9. The Potential of X‐Ray Diffraction in the Analysis of Burned Remains from Forensic Contexts*
  10. A new calibration of the XRD technique for the study of archaeological burned human remains
  11. A study by thermal treatment and X-ray powder diffraction on burnt fragmented bones from tombs II, IV and IX belonging to the hypogeic necropolis of “Sa Figu” near Ittiri, Sassari (Sardinia, Italy)