All Stories

  1. Novel insights into the complex pharmacokinetics of voriconazole: a review of its metabolism
  2. Rivaroxaban and macitentan can be co-administered without dose adjustment but the combination of rivaroxaban and St. John´s Wort should be avoided
  3. Impact of patient education on plasma concentrations and effectiveness of posaconazole oral suspension under clinical conditions
  4. Isotopically labelled paroxetine standard allows for definite structure elucidation of the paroxetine tandem mass spectrum
  5. Higher chlorzoxazone clearance in obese children compared with nonobese peers
  6. Inhibition of human cytochromes P450 in vitro by ritonavir and cobicistat
  7. In vitro inhibition of human UGT isoforms by ritonavir and cobicistat
  8. Real-world complexity of atrial fibrillation treatment with oral anticoagulants: design and interpretation of pharmacoepidemiological studies
  9. The NTCP-inhibitor Myrcludex B: Effects on Bile Acid Disposition and Tenofovir Pharmacokinetics
  10. Autoinhibitory properties of the parent but not of the N-oxide metabolite contribute to infusion rate-dependent voriconazole pharmacokinetics
  11. Semisimultaneous Midazolam Administration to Evaluate the Time Course of CYP3A Activation by a Single Oral Dose of Efavirenz
  12. Appropriate use of opioids
  13. No Increased Risk of Ketoconazole Toxicity in Drug-Drug Interaction Studies
  14. CYP3A activity: towards dose adaptation to the individual
  15. St. John’s wort treatment in women bears risks beyond pharmacokinetic drug interactions
  16. Pharmacokinetic interaction of intravenous fentanyl with ketoconazole
  17. Midazolam microdose to determine systemic and pre-systemic metabolic CYP3A activity in humans
  18. Systemic exposure of topical erythromycin in comparison to oral administration and the effect on cytochrome P450 3A4 activity
  19. Pre-systemic Elimination of Tilidine: Localization and Consequences for the Formation of the Active Metabolite Nortilidine
  20. Deceptive argumentation against diagnostic microdosing of anticancer drugs
  21. Prolonged sedation of lorazepam due to absent UGT2B4/2B7 glucuronidation
  22. Concentration effect relationship of CYP3A inhibition by ritonavir in humans
  23. Pharmacological treatment of constipation in palliative care
  24. Daily Honey Consumption Does Not Change CYP3A Activity in Humans
  25. Pharmacogenomics of the triazole antifungal agent voriconazole
  26. Unerwünschte Wirkungen und Wechselwirkungen in der Analgetikatherapie
  27. Unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen (UAW) und Arzneimittel-Interaktionen – Definition und Einteilung
  28. Inhibition of the active principle of the weak opioid tilidine by the triazole antifungal voriconazole
  29. Telemetrie
  30. Misleading results of screening for illicit drugs during efavirenz treatment
  31. Influence of CYP2D6 Genetics on Opioid Kinetics, Metabolism and Response
  32. P-glycoprotein modulation by the designer drugs methylenedioxymethamphetamine, methylenedioxyethylamphetamine and paramethoxyamphetamine
  33. Pharmacology (82)
  34. Gabapentin Enhances the Analgesic Effect of Morphine in Healthy Volunteers
  35. Gabapentin Enhances the Analgesic Effect of Morphine in Healthy Volunteers
  36. Omeprazole associated leuco-and thrombocytaemia
  37. Morphine-related metabolites differentially activate adenylyl cyclase isozymes after acute and chronic administration
  38. Relevance of deficient CYP2D6 in opiate dependence
  39. Same incidence of adverse drug events after codeine administration irrespective of the genetically determined differences in morphine formation
  40. Loss of analgesic effect of morphine due to coadministration of rifampin
  41. Dihydrocodeine: A new opioid substrate for the polymorphic CYP2D6 in humans*
  42. Primary and secondary oxidative metabolism of dextromethorphan
  43. Enantioselective gallopamil protein binding
  44. Codeine o-demethylation: Rat strain differences and the effects of inhibitors