All Stories

  1. Predatory journals: Perception, impact and use of Beall’s list by the scientific community–A bibliometric big data study
  2. Problems and challenges of predatory journals
  3. Beyond the BRAF V 600E hotspot: biology and clinical implications of rare BRAF gene mutations ...
  4. Testing and clinical implications for non-V600 BRAF mutations in metastatic NRAS mt melanoma
  5. Pregnancy as a driver for melanoma
  6. Prediction of Response in Melanoma Therapy by Systemic Inflammatory Response – One Size Fits Not All
  7. Function and Clinical Implications of Long Non-Coding RNAs in Melanoma
  8. Two Case Reports of Rare BRAF Mutations in Exon 11 and Exon 15 with Discussion of Potential Treatment Options
  9. Cannabis consumption before surgery may be associated with increased tolerance of anesthetic drugs: A case report