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  1. Structural characterization of carbon nanofibers fabricated using electrospinning technique
  2. Optical properties of anatase TiO2: Computational and experimental studies
  3. Optical properties of TiO2/rGO films deposited by spin coating methods
  4. A study of silicon effect as a switch on folded dipole antenna
  5. Design of the photocatalyst reactor with a graded-type structure to increase the degradation ability of methylene blue by using titania
  6. Effect of Mixing Dyes and Solvent in Electrolyte Toward Characterization of Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Using Natural Dyes as The Sensitizer
  7. Optical properties of TiO2 nanorod/PMMA bilayered film and the application for anti-reflection
  8. Fabrication of TiO2 Nanoparticles Slab Waveguide by Spin-coating Method with 2-Propanol Solvent
  9. Pengaruh Jenis Katalis pada Elektroda Pembanding terhadap Efisiensi Dye Sensitized Solar Cells dengan Klorofil sebagai Dye Sensitizer
  10. Fabrication of SnO2 nanoparticles straight waveguide with isopropanol solvent
  11. Study on fabrication of TiO2 thin films by spin – coating and their optical properties
  12. Influence of pH on the formulation of TiO2 powder prepared by co-precipitation of TiCl3 and photocatalytic activity
  13. Effect of calcination temperature on the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 powders prepared by co-precipitation of TiCl3
  14. Peningkatan Kinerja Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells menggunakan Metode Ultrasonikasi
  15. Fabrikasi Lapisan TiO2 menggunakan Metode Spin-Coating dengan Variasi Pengadukan dan Karakterisasi Sifat Optisnya
  16. Karakterisasi Divais Multimode Interference (MMI) Berbahan Polimer untuk Pembagi Daya 1 × 3
  17. Pencahayaan dalam Ruang Tertutup menggunakan Solar Illumination
  18. Aplikasi Multimode Fiber Coupler sebagai Sensor Temperatur
  19. Fabrikasi Directional Coupler Serat Optik Multimode
  20. Fabrikasi Dan Karakterisasi Directional Coupler Sebagai Devais Pembagi Daya