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  1. Del transporte de emigrantes a los cruceros turísticos. Las navieras transatlánticas de pasaje en la Europa de la segunda posguerra mundial: el caso español (1945-1960)
  2. Emigration and Cruises: The Transatlantic Shipping Companies After the Second World War (1945–1960)∗
  3. From elitist to popular tourism: leisure cruises to Spain during the first third of the twentieth century (1900–1936)
  4. Steamboat and popular tourism in Spain in the mid-nineteenth century
  5. Event tourism: the Spanish cruises in the inauguration of the Suez Canal of 1869
  6. History of cruise tourism in the 1960s
  7. La estrategia antiromana de Bernardo Tanucci ante los acontecimientos de 1768