All Stories

  1. COVID-19 and perceiving finitude: Associations with future time perspective, death anxiety, and ideal life expectancy.
  2. Personal ideals of aging and longevity: The role of subjective discordances.
  3. Housing in Old Age: Dynamical Interactions Between Neighborhood Attachment, Neighbor Annoyance, and Residential Satisfaction
  4. Ressourcenorientierte Beratung für gesundes Altern
  5. Paradoxical Effects of Perceived Control on Survival
  6. Age, Self, and Identity: Structure, Stability, and Adaptive Function
  7. Taking Diversity into Account
  8. How pessimism may lead to a longer life
  9. Introduction to the Special Issue on “Aging and Migration in Europe”
  10. The Paradoxical Role of Perceived Control in Late Life Health Behavior
  11. Subjektive Restlebenszeit und vorsorgende Umzugsplanung in der zweiten Lebenshälfte
  12. Fit mit Rollator
  13. Control Beliefs Across Adulthood
  14. Does participation in art classes influence performance on two different cognitive tasks?
  15. Möglichkeitsräume zeigen sich in Deutungsmustern
  16. Outdoor motivation moderates the effects of accessibility on mobility in old age
  17. Cognitive Functions Buffer Age Differences in Technology Ownership
  18. Age, Self and Identity: Structure, Stability and Adaptive Function
  19. Subjective acceleration of time experience in everyday life across adulthood.
  20. Successful Aging in Societies of Long Living: The Model of Selection, Optimization, and Compensation
  21. Motivations of German Hospice Volunteers
  22. Hearing Aid Use in Everyday Life: Managing Contextual Variability
  23. Attention to negative emotion is related to longitudinal social network change: The moderating effect of interdependent self-construal
  24. The Role of Anticipated Gains and Losses on Preferences About Future Caregiving
  25. How Art Changes Your Brain: Differential Effects of Visual Art Production and Cognitive Art Evaluation on Functional Brain Connectivity
  26. Managing Age-Related Hearing Loss: How to Use Hearing Aids Efficiently - A Mini-Review
  27. Psychologie der Verwandtschaft
  28. Motivation of computer based learning across adulthood
  29. Kognitive Beeinträchtigungen und Depressivität im Alter
  30. Explicit Learning Motivation Questionnaire
  31. Effects of personality on the transition into caregiving.
  32. Personal effort in social relationships across adulthood.
  33. Forecasting life satisfaction across adulthood: Benefits of seeing a dark future?
  34. Sparmotive von jungen, mittelalten und älteren Erwachsenen
  35. The Two Faces of Age Identity 1Action editor of this article was Dieter Ferring.
  36. Adapting to Unavoidable Loss During Adulthood
  37. Geropsychology Across Europe
  38. “They” are old but “I” feel younger: Age-group dissociation as a self-protective strategy in old age.
  39. Evaluation of a Drive Assistance Function for Older Adults
  40. What Do Cognitive Complaints in a Sample of Memory Clinic Outpatients Reflect?
  41. Principles of Interpersonal Competence and Motivation
  42. Short assessment of the Big Five: robust across survey methods except telephone interviewing
  43. Principles of Relationship Differentiation
  44. Changes in peripheral social partners and loneliness over time: The moderating role of interdependence.
  45. Adult parent-child relationships through the lens of social relations analyses: Prosocial personality and reciprocity of support
  46. The frailty syndrome in general practitioner care
  47. Editorial
  48. Benefits of Negative Social Exchanges for Emotional Closeness
  49. Interpersonal functioning across the lifespan: Two principles of relationship regulation
  50. Dizziness in an older community dwelling population: A multifactorial syndrome
  51. Predictors for occasional and recurrent falls in community-dwelling older people
  52. Aging Well Together – A Mini-Review
  53. Thinking about my generation: Adaptive effects of a dual age identity in later adulthood.
  54. Kinder? Küche? Karriere? – Dringlichkeit des Kinderwunsches, Geschlechtsrollenorientierung und Aufgabenverteilung in kinderlosen Partnerschaften
  55. Cultural Specificity of Socioemotional Selectivity: Age Differences in Social Network Composition Among Germans and Hong Kong Chinese
  56. Soziale Beziehungen als Anlage und Umwelt
  57. Psychologische Alternsforschung: Beiträge und Perspektiven
  58. Self-construal moderates age differences in social network characteristics.
  59. Patientenverfügungen in Deutschland: Bedingungen für ihre Verbreitung und Gründe der Ablehnung
  60. Desired Lifetime and End-of-Life Desires Across Adulthood From 20 to 90: A Dual-Source Information Model
  61. Gender differences in social network characteristics and psychological well-being among Hong Kong Chinese: The role of future time perspective and adherence to Renqing
  62. Psychological Aging: A Contextual View
  63. Editorial to the special section on intergenerational relations
  64. Der Big Five-Ansatz der Persönlichkeitsforschung: Instrumente und Vorgehen
  65. Kooperationsnetzwerke und Karrieren an deutschen Hochschulen
  66. Die Bevorzugung von genetischen Verwandten im Lebenslauf
  67. Social Motivation across the Life Span
  68. Coming Together: A Perspective on Relationships across the Life Span
  69. Growing Together
  70. Teilnahmewahrscheinlichkeit und Stichprobenselektivität in altersvergleichenden Erhebungen
  71. Die Gestaltung und Regulation sozialer Beziehungen im Lebenslauf: Eine entwicklungspsychologische Perspektive
  72. The Origins of Human Nature: Evolutionary Developmental Psychology David F. Bjorklund & Anthony D. Pellegrini, Washington/DC: American Psychological Association, 444 pp. ISBN 1557988781, US$39.95
  73. Blood is thicker than water: Kinship orientation across adulthood.
  74. Adult Children's Supportive Behaviors and Older Parents' Subjective Well-Being-A Developmental Perspective on Intergenerational Relationships
  75. Adapting to Aging Losses: Do Resources Facilitate Strategies of Selection, Compensation, and Optimization in Everyday Functioning?
  76. Time counts: Future time perspective, goals, and social relationships.
  77. Time counts: Future time perspective, goals, and social relationships.
  78. Regulation of Social Relationships in Later Adulthood
  79. Testgüte und psychometrische Äquivalenz der deutschen Version des Big Five Inventory (BFI) bei jungen, mittelalten und alten Erwachsenen
  80. Age-Related Patterns in Social Networks among European Americans and African Americans: Implications for Socioemotional Selectivity across the Life Span
  81. Perceived control over development and subjective well-being: Differential benefits across adulthood.
  82. Endings and Continuity of Social Relationships: Maximizing Intrinsic Benefits within Personal Networks when Feeling Near to Death
  83. Verfügbarkeit und Leistungen verwandtschaftlicher Beziehungen im Alter
  84. Depression bei Hochbetagten
  85. Social Relationships and Adaptation in Late Life
  86. Perspectives on Socioemotional Selectivity in Late Life: How Personality and Social Context Do (and Do Not) Make a Difference
  87. Being with People and Being Alone in Late Life: Costs and Benefits for Everyday Functioning
  88. Social self-efficacy and short-term variability in social relationships: The MacArthur Successful Aging Studies.
  89. Social self-efficacy and short-term variability in social relationships: The MacArthur Successful Aging Studies.
  90. Everyday functioning and successful aging: The impact of resources.
  91. Everyday functioning and successful aging: The impact of resources.
  92. Close emotional relationships in late life: Further support for proactive aging in the social domain.
  93. Graphic Closeness Scale
  94. Graphic Interdependence Scale
  95. Graphic Balance Scale
  96. Identification With One’s Generation Measure
  97. Identity Shift Measure
  98. Forecasting Life Satisfaction Across Adulthood: Benefits of Seeing a Dark Future?
  99. The young and the old in the city: Developing intergenerational relationships in urban environments
  100. Social Construction and Old Age: Normative Conceptions and Interpersonal Processes