All Stories

  1. Tackling Africa’s digital divide
  2. Quantum ensembles of quantum classifiers
  3. Probing Decoherence in Plasmonic Waveguides in the Quantum Regime
  4. Stochastic wave-function unravelling of the generalized Lindblad equation
  5. Polarization-entangled photon generation using partial spatially coherent pump beam
  6. Implementing a distance-based classifier with a quantum interference circuit
  7. Erratum: Simulation of single-qubit open quantum systems [Phys. Rev. A 90 , 022331 (2014)]
  8. Erratum: Universal simulation of Markovian open quantum systems [Phys. Rev. A 91 , 062308 (2015)]
  9. Robustness and fragility of Markovian dynamics in a qubit dephasing channel
  10. Instrumentation limitation on a polarization-based entangled photon source
  11. Entanglement concentration for two-mode Gaussian states in non-inertial frames
  12. Steady-State control of open Quantum Brownian Motion
  13. Projection operator based expansion of the evolution operator
  14. Prediction by linear regression on a quantum computer
  15. Digital quantum simulation of many-body non-Markovian dynamics
  16. Intercept-resend attack on six-state quantum key distribution over collective-rotation noise channels
  17. Resummation for Nonequilibrium Perturbation Theory and Application to Open Quantum Lattices
  18. The simulation of the non-Markovian behaviour of a two-level system
  19. Exchange of information between system and environment: Facts and myths
  20. Quantum Machine Learning
  21. Minimalistic analytical approach to non-Markovian open quantum systems
  22. Monte Carlo simulation of a noisy quantum channel with memory
  23. Microscopic derivation of open quantum Brownian motion: a particular example
  24. Microscopic derivation of open quantum walks
  25. Universal simulation of Markovian open quantum systems
  26. A quantum protective mechanism in photosynthesis
  27. Simulating a perceptron on a quantum computer
  28. Anomalies in non-Markovian quantum dynamics
  29. Six-State Symmetric Quantum Key Distribution Protocol
  30. Nonequilibrium-thermodynamics approach to open quantum systems
  31. An introduction to quantum machine learning
  32. Fractional relaxations in photonic crystals
  33. Finite-key-size security of the Phoenix-Barnett-Chefles 2000 quantum-key-distribution protocol
  34. Simulation of single-qubit open quantum systems
  35. The quest for a Quantum Neural Network
  36. Stochastic Schrödinger Equations for Markovian and non-Markovian Cases
  37. Coherence in a dissipative two-level system
  38. Perturbative approach to Markovian open quantum systems
  39. Quantum walks on graphs representing the firing patterns of a quantum neural network
  40. Quantum optical implementation of open quantum walks
  41. Control of dissipation of energy via reservoirs of coherent states
  42. Arbitrary spin in a spin bath: Exact dynamics and approximation techniques
  43. Microscopic derivation of open quantum walks
  44. Dissipative quantum computing with open quantum walks
  45. Finite-size key in the Bennett 1992 quantum-key-distribution protocol for Rényi entropies
  46. Anomalies in Strongly Coupled Harmonic Quantum Brownian Motion II
  47. Survival of coherence for open quantum systems in thermal baths
  48. Dynamics and non-equilibrium steady state in a system of coupled harmonic oscillators
  49. Higher-dimensional orbital-angular-momentum-based quantum key distribution with mutually unbiased bases
  50. Filtering schemes in the quantum-classical Liouville approach to nonadiabatic dynamics
  51. Microscopic Derivation of Open Quantum Walk on Two-Node Graph
  52. Dissipative preparation of generalized Bell states
  53. Dissipative preparation of largeWstates in optical cavities
  54. Anomalies in Strongly Coupled Harmonic Quantum Brownian Motion
  55. Decoherence-assisted transport in quantum networks
  56. Initial correlation in a system of a spin coupled to a spin bath through an intermediate spin
  57. Quantum trajectories: Memory and continuous observation
  58. Critical frequency control in harmonic quantum Brownian motion
  60. Properties of open quantum walks on $\mathbb {Z}$
  61. Non-equilibrium thermal entanglement in a two-particle system
  62. Unsharp continuous measurement of a Bose-Einstein condensate: Full quantum state estimation and the transition to classicality
  63. Discontinuities in a damped quantum harmonic oscillator
  64. Critical frequency control for arbitrarily slow decoherence of a qubit
  65. Efficiency of open quantum walk implementation of dissipative quantum computing algorithms
  66. Open System Approach to the Internal Dynamics of a Model Multilevel Molecule
  67. Open Quantum Random Walks
  68. Open quantum walks on graphs
  69. Parametrizations of density matrices
  70. Preface: Quantum Africa 2010: Theoretical and Experimental Foundations of Recent Quantum Technology
  71. Open Quantum Walks as a Tool for Dissipative Quantum Computing
  72. Designing Reservoirs for 1/t Decoherence of a Qubit
  73. Non-equilibrium thermal entanglement for a three spin chain
  74. Stochastic simulation of long-time nonadiabatic dynamics
  75. Reservoir for inverse-power-law decoherence of a qubit
  76. Open Quantum Random Walks and the Open Quantum Pascal Triangle
  77. A Lie Symmetry Analysis of the Caldeira-Leggett Model
  78. Stochastic Schrödinger equations with coloured noise
  79. A necessary condition for the security of differential-phase-shift quantum key distribution
  80. Monitoring the wave function by time continuous position measurement
  81. Sampling of quantum dynamics at long time
  82. ‘Nonlinear’ positive mappings for density matrices
  83. Diffusion approximation of stochastic master equations with jumps
  84. Non-Markovian dynamics of an interacting qubit pair coupled to two independent bosonic baths
  85. Non-Markovian quantum repeated interactions and measurements
  86. Numerical and analytical approach to the quantum dynamics of two coupled spins in bosonic baths
  87. Stochastic wave-function unraveling of the generalized Lindblad master equation
  88. Classical capacity of a qubit depolarizing channel with memory
  89. Dynamics of nonequilibrium thermal entanglement
  90. Nosè–Hoover dynamics in quantum phase space
  91. Kinetic description of quantum Brownian motion
  92. Time evolution and decoherence of a spin-12particle coupled to a spin bath in thermal equilibrium
  93. Stochastic analysis and simulation of spin star systems
  94. Erratum: Non-Markovian dynamics of a qubit [Phys. Rev. A73, 012111 (2006)]
  95. The Theory of Open Quantum Systems
  96. Decoherence
  97. Exact treatment of linear difference equations with noncommutative coefficients
  98. Loss of coherence and dressing in QED
  99. Publisher’s Note: Non-Markovian dynamics of a qubit [Phys. Rev. A73, 012111 (2006)]
  100. Non-Markovian dynamics of a qubit
  101. Initial correlations effects on decoherence at zero temperature
  102. Theoretical analysis of a recent experiment on mesoscopic state superpositions in cavity QED
  103. Scaling of non-Markovian Monte Carlo wave-function methods
  104. Quantum description of Einstein’s Brownian motion
  105. Lindblad- and non-Lindblad-type dynamics of a quantum Brownian particle
  106. Dissipation-induced stationary entanglement in dipole-dipole interacting atomic samples
  107. Non-Markovian dynamics in a spin star system: Exact solution and approximation techniques
  108. Simulating quantum Brownian motion with single trapped ions
  109. The Time-Convolutionless Projection Operator Technique in the Quantum Theory of Dissipation and Decoherence
  110. Stochastic dynamics of quantum jumps
  111. Chaotic inflation: A numerical approach
  112. Continuous time simulation of the Doi–Edwards model
  113. Continuous time simulation of transient polymer network models