All Stories

  1. Breastfeeding Disparities between Multiples and Singletons by NICU Discharge
  2. Influence of perinatal inflammation on the neurodevelopmental outcome of premature infants
  3. Morbidity and mortality of very low birth weight multiples compared with singletons
  4. A Program Aimed at Reducing Anxiety in Pregnant Women Diagnosed With a Small-for-Gestational-Age Fetus
  5. Vertically transmitted cytomegalovirus infection in newborn preterm infants
  6. Neurobehavioral conditions and effects of gender, weight and severity in preterm infants according to the Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale
  7. Hospital Outcomes of Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants After Introduction of Donor Milk to Supplement Mother's Milk
  8. Correlation of Quantitative Texture Analysis of Cranial Ultrasound With Later Neurobehavior in Preterm Infants
  9. Maturational changes associated with neonatal stress in preterm infants hospitalised in the NICU
  10. Metabolic Bone Disease and Bone Mineral Density in Very Preterm Infants
  11. Evaluation of an Optimal Gestational Age Cut-Off for the Definition of Early- and Late-Onset Fetal Growth Restriction
  12. Displasia broncopulmonar: definiciones y clasificación
  13. Niveles asistenciales y recomendaciones de mínimos para la atención neonatal
  14. Cribado de la infección por citomegalovirus en recién nacidos de muy bajo peso
  15. Recomendaciones para la informatización de los servicios de neonatología
  16. Increased Fetal Brain Perfusion and Neonatal Neurobehavioral Performance in Normally Grown Fetuses
  17. Infecciones por citomegalovirus en el periodo neonatal
  18. Trends in survival among extremely-low-birth-weight infants (less than 1000 g) without significant bronchopulmonary dysplasia
  19. Increased Nuchal Translucency and Normal Karyotype
  20. Estimated weight centile as a predictor of perinatal outcome in small-for-gestational-age pregnancies with normal fetal and maternal Doppler indices
  21. MRI at 12 ± 2 months’ corrected age without sedation
  22. Obstetrical and neonatal outcomes after prenatal exposure to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: The relevance of dose
  23. Correlation Between a Semiautomated Method Based on Ultrasound Texture Analysis and Standard Ultrasound Diagnosis Using White Matter Damage in Preterm Neonates as a Model
  24. Neurobehavioral outcomes in preterm, growth-restricted infants with and without prenatal advanced signs of brain-sparing
  25. Differential effects of intrauterine growth restriction on brain structure and development in preterm infants: A magnetic resonance imaging study
  26. Impact of chorioamnionitis on exhaled nitric oxide and endotracheal aspirate levels of nitrites-nitrates and interleukin-8 in mechanically ventilated preterm neonates
  27. The impact of clinical maternal chorioamnionitis on neurological and psychological sequelae in very-low-birth weight infants: a case-control study
  28. Twelve-month neurodevelopmental outcome in preterm infants with and without intrauterine growth restriction
  29. Timing of umbilical cord clamping: New thoughts on an old discussion
  30. Effect of maternal clinical chorioamnionitis on neonatal morbidity in very-low birthweight infants: a case-control study
  31. Prevalence and perinatal outcome of dichorionic and monochorionic twins with nuchal translucency above the 99thpercentile and normal karyotype
  32. Retinopatía de la prematuridad. Recomendaciones para la prevención, el cribado y el tratamiento
  33. Intravenous Immunoglobulin and Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Newborns With Hemolytic Disease
  34. Decreased Regional Brain Volume and Cognitive Impairment in Preterm Children at Low Risk
  35. Neurobehavior in Term, Small-for-Gestational Age Infants With Normal Placental Function
  36. Magnetic resonance imaging study of cerebral sulci in low-risk preterm children
  37. Recomendaciones para el cuidado y atención del recién nacido sano en el parto y en las primeras horas después del nacimiento
  38. Guidelines on CMV congenital infection
  39. Attempt to normalize simulated exhaled nitric oxide according to ventilatory settings
  40. Patterns of cerebral white matter damage and cognitive impairment in adolescents born very preterm
  41. Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Reveals Medial Temporal Metabolic Abnormalities in Adolescents With History of Preterm Birth
  42. Corpus callosum and prefrontal functions in adolescents with history of very preterm birth
  43. Intrauterine restriction (IUGR)
  44. Treatment and prevention of malaria in pregnancy and newborn
  45. Probable early-onset group B streptococcal neonatal sepsis: a serious clinical condition related to intrauterine infection
  46. Gestational Age at Preterm Birth in Relation to Corpus Callosum and General Cognitive Outcome in Adolescents
  47. Behavioral gender differences in the neonatal period according to the Brazelton scale
  48. Memory Performance in a Sample of Very Low Birth Weight Adolescents
  49. Abnormal orbitofrontal development due to prematurity
  50. White matter volume and concentration reductions in adolescents with history of very preterm birth: A voxel-based morphometry study
  51. Corpus Callosum Size and Neuropsychologic Impairment in Adolescents who Were Born Preterm
  52. Concerning the Article by S. Belda et al.: Screening for Retinopathy of Prematurity: Is It Painful?
  53. Correlations of thalamic reductions with verbal fluency impairment in those born prematurely
  54. False positives in the prenatal ultrasound screening of fetal structural anomalies
  55. Hippocampal functional magnetic resonance imaging during a face–name learning task in adolescents with antecedents of prematurity
  56. Hippocampal gray matter reduction associates with memory deficits in adolescents with history of prematurity
  58. Residual Hippocampal Atrophy in Asphyxiated Term Neonates
  59. Corpus callosum atrophy in adolescents with antecedents of moderate perinatal asphyxia
  60. Expired Nitric Oxide in the Newborn with High Risk of Perinatal Infection
  61. Prediction of hyperbilirubinaemia in the healthy term newborn
  62. Neuropsychological long-term sequelae of perinatal asphyxia
  63. Necrosis Related to the Use of Pulse Oximetry in a Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infant
  64. A different methodology for evaluating exhaled endogenous nitric oxide in newborns
  65. Administration of Antibiotics to Patients With Rupture of Membranes at Term
  66. Administration of antibiotics to patients with rupture of membranes at term, A prospective, randomized, multicentric study
  67. The incidence of breastfeeding in our environment
  68. Administration of antibiotics to patients with rupture of membranes at term, A prospective, randomized, multicentric study
  69. Neonatal outcome in women treated for the antiphospholipid syndrome during pregnancy
  70. Changes in TcPCO2regarding pulmonary mechanics due to pneumotachometer dead space in ventilated newborns
  71. Premature rupture of membranes in early pregnancy. Neonatal prognosis