All Stories

  1. Message from the STA Workshop Organizers
  2. Message from the MVDA Workshop Organizers
  3. Model-based mutation testing—Approach and case studies
  4. Input Contract Testing of Graphical User Interfaces
  5. Boolean Differentiation for Formalizing Myers' Cause-Effect Graph Testing Technique
  6. Model Based Testing of VHDL Programs
  7. Message from the STA 2015 Workshop Organizers
  8. Message from the MVDA 2015 Workshop Organizers
  9. Model-Based Contract Testing of Graphical User Interfaces
  10. Model-based test case prioritization using cluster analysis: a soft-computing approach
  11. Fault domain-based testing in imperfect situations: a heuristic approach and case studies
  12. Assuring Dependability of Software Reuse: An Industrial Standard
  13. Assuring Dependability of Software Reuse: An Industrial Standard
  14. Dependability and Software Reuse -- Coupling Them by an Industrial Standard
  15. Reuse of Components and Products: “Qualified as Good as New”
  16. Using Regular Grammars for Event-Based Testing
  17. A holistic approach to model-based testing of Web service compositions
  18. Testing is an Event-Centric Activity
  19. Layer-Centric Testing
  20. Modeling, Analysis, and Testing of System Vulnerabilities
  21. Event-Oriented, Model-Based GUI Testing and Reliability Assessment—Approach and Case Study
  22. Model-Based Mutation Testing Using Pushdown Automata
  23. Model-based testing of web service compositions
  24. Model-Based Integration Testing with Communication Sequence Graphs
  25. Statistical Evaluation of Test Sets Using Mutation Analysis
  26. Event-Based Mutation Testing vs. State-Based Mutation Testing - An Experimental Comparison
  27. Does "Depth" Really Matter? On the Role of Model Refinement for Testing and Reliability
  29. Event-Based GUI Testing and Reliability Assessment Techniques -- An Experimental Insight and Preliminary Results
  30. Mutation Testing of "Go-Back" Functions Based on Pushdown Automata
  31. Towards Test Case Generation for Synthesizable VHDL Programs Using Model Checker
  32. Are Longer Test Sequences Always Better? - A Reliability Theoretical Analysis
  33. Event-driven modeling and testing of real-time web services
  34. Fault Detection Likelihood of Test Sequence Length
  35. Towards Scalable Robustness Testing
  36. A Formal Framework for Mutation Testing
  37. Test Prioritization at Different Modeling Levels
  38. Model-Based Higher-Order Mutation Analysis
  39. Software Test Automation
  40. Protocol-Based Testing of Firewalls
  41. Advancing test automation technology to meet the challenges of model-based software testing – Guest editors’ introduction to the special section of the Third IEEE International Workshop on Automation of Software Test (AST 2008)
  42. Mutation of Directed Graphs -- Corresponding Regular Expressions and Complexity of Their Generation
  43. Communication Sequence Graphs for Mutation-Oriented Integration Testing
  44. A Graph-Model-Based Testing Method Compared with the Classification Tree Method for Test Case Generation
  45. Directed Acyclic Graph Modeling of Security Policies for Firewall Testing
  46. Structural Feature Extraction for GUI Test Enhancement
  47. Testing Composite Web Services--An Event-Based Approach
  48. Model-Based Test Prioritizing – A Comparative Soft-Computing Approach and Case Studies
  49. Test generation and minimization with "basic" statecharts
  50. Event-Driven Modeling and Testing of Web Services
  51. Panel Description: 40 Years of Software Engineering
  52. IWSC 2008 Workshop Organization
  53. Message from the IWSC 2008 Workshop Organizers
  54. Advancing test automation technology to meet the challenges of model-driven software development
  55. Prioritizing Coverage-Oriented Testing Process - An Adaptive-Learning-Based Approach and Case Study
  56. Modeling, Analysis and Testing of Safety Issues - An Event-Based Approach and Case Study
  57. Test minimization for human-computer interaction
  58. Basic Operations for Generating Behavioral Mutants
  59. Introduction to the special section on software cybernetics
  60. Coverage-Based, Prioritized Testing Using Neural Network Clustering
  61. Event-based modelling, analysis and testing of user interactions: approach and case study
  62. A Holistic Approach to Test-Driven Model Checking
  63. Towards Minimization of Test Sets for Human-Computer Systems
  64. Minimal Spanning Set for Coverage Testing of Interactive Systems
  65. Software Testing via Model Checking
  66. Goal-Driven, Scalable Generation of Complete Interaction Sequences for Testing Graphical User Interfaces
  67. Software Reliability Engineering Risk Management for the New Millenium
  68. Methoden und Hilfsmittel für die systematische Prüfung komplexer Software
  69. Erprobte Modelle zur Quantifizierung der Software-Zuverlässigkeit
  70. Declarative paradigm of test coverage
  71. Determining the reliability of prolog programs
  72. Model-Based Construction and Implementation-Oriented Evaluation of Complex Systems
  73. Systematische Dokumentation logischer Programme
  74. FEVZI BELLI : Einfiihrung in die logische Programmierung mit PROLOC. BI Hochschultaschenbiicher. Band 630. Mannheim/Wien/Ziirich : Bibliographisches Institut, 1986. - 280 S
  75. Eine Strategie für Entwurf und Spezifikation von Software im Hinblick auf Fehlertoleranz
  76. Coverage-Oriented, Prioritized Testing – A Fuzzy Clustering Approach and Case Study