All Stories

  1. Information systems project management practice in Portugal - looking at the past to perspective the future
  2. How to increase the success of your digital transformation projects in the public sector
  3. Blockchain in the Public Sector: An Umbrella Review of Literature
  4. Blockchain and Sustainability in the Public Sector: A Risk Management Perspective
  5. The Emergence of a Process Tokenisation Model for the Public Sector: A Position Paper
  6. Multi-criteria model for selecting project managers in the public sector
  7. A metric for software service outsourcing contracts within the scope of the Brazilian Federal Public Administration
  8. Como Estimar um Software? Métricas para a Aferição de Esforço, Prazo e Custo de um Produto de Software
  9. Modelo CEK (Canvas + EAP + Kanban): Integração de Ferramentas de Gestão para transformar ideias em projetos colaborativos, ágeis, controláveis e efetivos