All Stories

  1. LoRa-based outdoor localization and tracking using unsupervised symbolization
  2. Multi-task learning model for agricultural pest detection from crop-plant imagery: A Bayesian approach
  3. Object-level benchmark for deep learning-based detection and classification of weed species
  4. DRC: Chromatic aberration intensity priors for underwater image enhancement
  5. Topology-aware universal adversarial attack on 3D object tracking
  6. An AUC-maximizing classifier for skewed and partially labeled data with an application in clinical prediction modeling
  7. Machine learning-based detection of frost events in wheat plants from infrared thermography
  8. Deep learning based classification of sheep behaviour from accelerometer data with imbalance
  9. A Novel AUC Maximization Imbalanced Learning Approach for Predicting Composite Outcomes in COVID-19 Hospitalized Patients
  10. Machine learning‐based LoRa localisation using multiple received signal features
  11. Transport of pilgrims during Hajj: Evidence from a discrete event simulation study
  12. A survey of image-based computational learning techniques for frost detection in plants
  13. Lambing event detection using deep learning from accelerometer data
  14. MCE-ST: Classifying crop stress using hyperspectral data with a multiscale conformer encoder and spectral-based tokens
  15. Renewable Energy-Based Energy-Efficient Off-Grid Base Stations for Heterogeneous Network
  16. Performance of multilabel machine learning models and risk stratification schemas for predicting stroke and bleeding risk in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation
  17. SC-CAN: Spectral Convolution and Channel Attention Network for Wheat Stress Classification
  18. Deep Network with Score Level Fusion and Inference-Based Transfer Learning to Recognize Leaf Blight and Fruit Rot Diseases of Eggplant
  19. Machine learning-based detection of freezing events using infrared thermography
  20. Insect detection from imagery using YOLOv3-based adaptive feature fusion convolution network
  21. Adversary Distillation for One-Shot Attacks on 3D Target Tracking
  22. Weed recognition using deep learning techniques on class-imbalanced imagery
  23. A reinforcement learning-based approach for imputing missing data
  24. Erratum to “Progressive conditional GAN-based augmentation for 3D object recognition” [Neurocomputing 460 (2021) 20–30]
  25. Integrated generalized zero-shot learning for fine-grained classification
  26. Bidirectional Mapping Coupled GAN for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
  27. MSGANet-RAV: A multiscale guided attention network for artery-vein segmentation and classification from optic disc and retinal images
  28. Anomaly detection in a forensic timeline with deep autoencoders
  29. Adversarial point cloud perturbations against 3D object detection in autonomous driving systems
  30. Real time surveillance for low resolution and limited data scenarios: An image set classification approach
  31. Progressive conditional GAN-based augmentation for 3D object recognition
  32. Leveraging Auxiliary Tasks with Affinity Learning for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
  33. Machine learning risk prediction model for acute coronary syndrome and death from use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in administrative data
  34. Imputation of missing data with class imbalance using conditional generative adversarial networks
  35. Anomaly Detection in Operating System Logs with Deep Learning-Based Sentiment Analysis
  36. PD-Net: Point Dropping Network for Flexible Adversarial Example Generation with $L_{0}$ Regularization
  37. CurveNet: Curvature-Based Multitask Learning Deep Networks for 3D Object Recognition
  38. A survey of deep learning techniques for weed detection from images
  39. Adversarial Network With Multiple Classifiers for Open Set Domain Adaptation
  40. Atrous convolutional feature network for weakly supervised semantic segmentation
  41. Modelling Mass Crowd Using Discrete Event Simulation: A Case Study of Integrated Tawaf and Sayee Rituals During Hajj
  42. Robust Image Classification Using a Low-Pass Activation Function and DCT Augmentation
  43. Text to Image Synthesis for Improved Image Captioning
  44. Deep Boltzmann machine for corrosion classification using eddy current pulsed thermography
  45. A High-Performance Spectral-Spatial Residual Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification with Small Training Data
  46. Diffusion Geometry Derived Keypoints and Local Descriptors for 3D Deformable Shape Analysis
  47. Performance Evaluation of Anomaly Detection in Imbalanced System Log Data
  48. A review of the uses of virtual reality in engineering education
  49. Multi-Task Learning for Acoustic Event Detection Using Event and Frame Position Information
  50. Automatic Event Log Abstraction to Support Forensic Investigation
  51. Automatic Hierarchical Classification of Kelps Using Deep Residual Features
  52. 3D Object Classification Using a Volumetric Deep Neural Network: An Efficient Octree Guided Auxiliary Learning Approach
  53. Learning Latent Global Network for Skeleton-Based Action Prediction
  54. RCNN for Region of Interest Detection in Whole Slide Images
  55. ResFeats: Residual network based features for underwater image classification
  56. Scale-Aware Feature Network for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
  57. Sentiment Analysis in a Forensic Timeline With Deep Learning
  58. Sound Event Detection Using Multiple Optimized Kernels
  59. Bi-SAN-CAP: Bi-Directional Self-Attention for Image Captioning
  60. Deep Fusion Net for Coral Classification in Fluorescence and Reflectance Images
  61. Improving Follicular Lymphoma Identification using the Class of Interest for Transfer Learning
  62. A Comprehensive Survey of Deep Learning for Image Captioning
  63. Automatic detection of Western rock lobster using synthetic data
  64. Deep learning-based 3D local feature descriptor from Mercator projections
  65. Coral Classification Using DenseNet and Cross-modality Transfer Learning
  66. Language Modeling through Long-Term Memory Network
  67. Feature selection and transformation by machine learning reduce variable numbers and improve prediction for heart failure readmission or death
  68. A survey on forensic investigation of operating system logs
  69. Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Network With Soft Labels in Imbalanced Acoustic Event Detection
  70. An Improved Approach to Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
  71. A Survey: Neural Network-Based Deep Learning for Acoustic Event Detection
  72. Automatic Graph-Based Clustering for Security Logs
  73. Machine learning‐based prediction of heart failure readmission or death: implications of choosing the right model and the right metrics
  74. Enhancing Semantic Word Representations by Embedding Deep Word Relationships
  75. Deep Image Representations for Coral Image Classification
  76. NormalNet: A voxel-based CNN for 3D object classification and retrieval
  77. Attention-Based Image Captioning Using DenseNet Features
  78. Body Detection in Spectator Crowd Images Using Partial Heads
  79. Deep Learning for Marine Species Recognition
  80. Deep Learning for Scene Understanding
  81. Direct Image to Point Cloud Descriptors Matching for 6-DOF Camera Localization in Dense 3D Point Clouds
  82. Enhanced Transfer Learning with ImageNet Trained Classification Layer
  83. Global Regularizer and Temporal-Aware Cross-Entropy for Skeleton-Based Early Action Recognition
  84. Learning-Based Confidence Estimation for Multi-modal Classifier Fusion
  85. MON: Multiple Output Neurons
  86. Review of Modelling and Simulating Crowds at Mass Gathering Events: Hajj as a Case Study
  87. WNet: Joint Multiple Head Detection and Head Pose Estimation from a Spectator Crowd Image
  88. Generalized Joint Sparse Representation for Multimodal Biometric Fusion of Heterogeneous Features
  89. Acoustic Scene Classification Using Joint Time-Frequency Image-Based Feature Representations
  90. Spectrotemporal Analysis Using Local Binary Pattern Variants for Acoustic Scene Classification
  91. A Multi-Modal, Discriminative and Spatially Invariant CNN for RGB-D Object Labeling
  92. Exploiting layerwise convexity of rectifier networks with sign constrained weights
  93. Random forest classification based acoustic event detection utilizing contextual-information and bottleneck features
  94. Cost-Sensitive Learning of Deep Feature Representations From Imbalanced Data
  95. Leveraging Structural Context Models and Ranking Score Fusion for Human Interaction Prediction
  96. Local Binary Pattern with Random Forest for Acoustic Scene Classification
  97. Learning Clip Representations for Skeleton-Based 3D Action Recognition
  98. Classification of Corals in Reflectance and Fluorescence Images Using Convolutional Neural Network Representations
  99. Confidence Based Acoustic Event Detection
  100. Machine learning in heart failure
  101. Consumer Perceptions in the Adoption of the Electronic Health Records in Australia: A Pilot Study
  102. Identity Adaptation for Person Re-Identification
  103. Scale space clustering evolution for salient region detection on 3D deformable shapes
  104. Resfeats: Residual network based features for image classification
  105. Frame-Wise Dynamic Threshold Based Polyphonic Acoustic Event Detection
  106. A New Representation of Skeleton Sequences for 3D Action Recognition
  107. Efficient Image Set Classification Using Linear Regression Based Image Reconstruction
  108. Random forest classification based acoustic event detection
  109. Random forest regression based acoustic event detection with bottleneck features
  110. A Novel Fusion Method for Forward-Looking Sonar Image Mosaic
  111. Discriminative feature learning and region consistency activation for robust scene labeling
  112. Graph clustering and anomaly detection of access control log for forensic purposes
  113. RGB-D Object Recognition and Grasp Detection Using Hierarchical Cascaded Forests
  114. SkeletonNet: Mining Deep Part Features for 3-D Action Recognition
  115. A usability evaluation of Neuromender's upper limb game-based rehabilitation system for stroke survivors
  116. Enhanced LBP texture features from time frequency representations for acoustic scene classification
  117. A Joint Deep Boltzmann Machine (jDBM) Model for Person Identification Using Mobile Phone Data
  118. Multi-level Search of a Knowledgebase for Semantic Parsing
  119. Reinforced Memory Network for Question Answering
  120. Audio-visual biometric recognition via joint sparse representations
  121. EI3D: Expression-invariant 3D face recognition based on feature and shape matching
  122. Automatic annotation of coral reefs using deep learning
  123. Coral classification with hybrid feature representations
  124. Forward-looking sonar image registration using polar transform
  125. A Discriminative Representation of Convolutional Features for Indoor Scene Recognition
  126. Simultaneous dense scene reconstruction and object labeling
  127. Automatic Shadow Detection and Removal from a Single Image
  128. Heat propagation contours for 3D non-rigid shape analysis
  129. Binary Descriptor Based on Heat Diffusion for Non-rigid Shape Analysis
  130. Deep Boltzmann Machines for i-Vector Based Audio-Visual Person Identification
  131. Human Interaction Prediction Using Deep Temporal Features
  132. Contractive Rectifier Networks for Nonlinear Maximum Margin Classification
  133. Unsupervised segmentation of unknown objects in complex environments
  134. A deep neural network for audio-visual person recognition
  135. Discriminative feature learning for efficient RGB-D object recognition
  136. Outdoor scene labelling with learned features and region consistency activation
  137. Integrating Geometrical Context for Semantic Labeling of Indoor Scenes using RGBD Images
  138. Separating objects and clutter in indoor scenes
  139. Efficient RGB-D object categorization using cascaded ensembles of randomized decision trees
  140. A Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of 3D Local Feature Descriptors
  141. An Integrated Framework for 3-D Modeling, Object Detection, and Pose Estimation From Point-Clouds
  142. A novel local surface feature for 3D object recognition under clutter and occlusion
  143. A confidence-based late fusion framework for audio-visual biometric identification
  144. Heterogeneous Multi-column ConvNets with a Fusion Framework for Object Recognition
  145. Performance Evaluation of 3D Local Feature Descriptors
  146. Sign Constrained Rectifier Networks with Applications to Pattern Decompositions
  147. 3D Object Recognition in Cluttered Scenes with Local Surface Features: A Survey
  148. A model-free approach for the segmentation of unknown objects
  149. An Accurate and Robust Range Image Registration Algorithm for 3D Object Modeling
  150. Automatic Feature Learning for Robust Shadow Detection
  151. Quantitative Error Analysis of Bilateral Filtering
  152. Geometry Driven Semantic Labeling of Indoor Scenes
  153. Model-Free Segmentation and Grasp Selection of Unknown Stacked Objects
  154. An efficient reliability estimation technique for audio-visual person identification
  155. Integrating shape and color cues for textured 3D object recognition
  156. Real-time pose estimation of rigid objects using RGB-D imagery
  157. Rotational Projection Statistics for 3D Local Surface Description and Object Recognition
  158. Linear Regression-based Classifier for audio visual person identification
  159. RoPS: A local feature descriptor for 3D rigid objects based on rotational projection statistics
  160. 3D free form object recognition using rotational projection statistics
  161. A low cost 3D markerless system for the reconstruction of athletic techniques
  162. Sliding-Window Designs for Vertex-Based Shape Coding
  163. Geometric distortion measurement for shape coding
  164. Robust pose invariant shape-based hand recognition
  165. Spatial shape error concealment utilising image texture
  166. Bezier curve-based generic shape encoder
  167. Image Dependent Spatial Shape Error Concealment for Multiple Shapes
  168. Distortion measurement using arc-length-parameterisation within a vertex-based shape coding framework
  169. Dynamic Bezier curves for variable rate-distortion
  170. Image-dependent spatial shape-error concealment
  171. Quasi-Bezier curves integrating localised information
  172. New Dynamic Enhancements to the Vertex-Based Rate-Distortion Optimal Shape Coding Framework
  173. Fast Distortion Measurement Using Chord-Length Parameterization Within the Vertex-Based Rate-Distortion Optimal Shape Coding Framework
  174. Bezier Curve-Based Character Descriptor Considering Shape Information
  175. Variable Width Admissible Control Point Band for Vertex Based Operational-Rate-Distortion Optimal Shape Coding Algorithms
  176. Accurate distortion measurement for generic shape coding
  177. Dynamic Sliding Window Width Selection Strategies for Rate-Distortion Optimal Vertex-Based Shape Coding Algorithms
  178. A Novel Half-Way Shifting Bezier Curve Model
  179. A dynamic Bezier curve model
  180. An Improved Shape Descriptor Using Bezier Curves
  181. Video Coding for Mobile Communications
  182. Enhanced Bezier Curve Models Incorporating Local Information