All Stories

  1. Active Aging and Learning Outcomes: What Can Older People Learn From Participation?
  2. Staff perceptions of barriers that lesbian, gay and bisexual residents face in long-term care settings
  3. Age-Discrepant Couples Involving an Older Adult: The Final Frontier of Ageism? Attitudes in Eight Latin American Countries
  4. Disclosing Lesbian and Gay Male Sexual Orientation in Later Life: Attitudes of Younger and Older Generations in Eight Latin American Countries
  5. Staff's reactions towards partnered sexual expressions involving people with dementia living in long-term care facilities
  6. Involving institutionalised people with dementia in their care-planning meetings: lessons learnt by the staff
  7. On the quality of adjustment to retirement: The longitudinal role of personality traits and generativity
  8. Involving institutionalized people with dementia in their care-planning meetings: Impact on their quality of life measured by a proxy method: Innovative Practice
  9. Participation of Spanish older people in educational courses: The role of sociodemographic and active ageing factors
  10. Staff attitudes and reactions towards residents’ masturbation in Spanish long-term care facilities
  11. Motivation and Commitment to Volunteering in a Sample of Argentinian Adults: What is the Role of Generativity?
  12. What Happens in Their Bedrooms Stays in Their Bedrooms: Staff and Residents' Reactions Toward Male–Female Sexual Intercourse in Residential Aged Care Facilities
  13. The Involvement of Spanish Older People in Nondegree Educational Programs: Reasons for and Barriers to Participation
  14. Grandparents Who Provide Auxiliary Care for Their Grandchildren: Satisfaction, Difficulties, and Impact on Their Health and Well-being
  15. Thinking about my grandparent: How dementia influences adolescent grandchildren's perceptions of their grandparents
  16. Barriers to sexual expression in residential aged care facilities (RACFs): comparison of staff and residents' views
  17. Staff attitudes towards sexual relationships among institutionalized people with dementia: does an extreme cautionary stance predominate?
  18. Using Older People's Life Stories to Teach Developmental Psychology and Aging: Benefits and Difficulties
  19. La participación de personas con demencia en las reuniones del plan de atención individualizada: impacto en el bienestar y la calidad del cuidado
  20. La generatividad en la vejez y su relación con el bienestar: ¿Quién más contribuye es quien más se beneficia?
  21. Tell Me Your Life: Including Life Stories in an Adult Development and Aging Course
  22. Ganancias asociadas al cuidado de personas con demencia: adaptación al español de la escala GAIN
  23. Learning in later life: participation in formal, non-formal and informal activities in a nationally representative Spanish sample
  24. Draw a Young and an Older Person: Schoolchildren's Images of Older People
  25. Generativity in Older Age: A Challenge for Universities of the Third Age (U3A)
  26. Grandmothers Offering Regular Auxiliary Care for Their Grandchildren: An Expression of Generativity in Later Life?
  27. Hopes and Concerns in Couple Relationships across Adulthood and Their Association with Relationship Satisfaction
  28. Successful ageing and development: the contribution of generativity in older age
  29. How students evaluate university programmes for older people: A comparison between two models in Spain
  30. The Teacher's Perspective in Older Education: The Experience of Teaching in a University for Older People in Spain
  31. Grandparents and Their Adolescent Grandchildren: Generational Stake or Generational Complaint? A Study with Dyads in Spain
  32. Older people's university students in Spain: a comparison of motives and benefits between two models
  33. Measuring Well-Being among Spanish Older Adults: Development of a Simplified Version of Ryff's Scales of Psychological Well-Being
  34. Reasons for Older Adult Participation in University Programs in Spain
  35. Daily Activity and Life Satisfaction in Older People Living in Rural Contexts
  36. Learning from the Disease: Lessons Drawn from Adolescents Having a Grandparent Suffering Dementia
  37. La relación entre abuelos/as y sus nietos/as adolescentes: comparación de perspectivas generacionales
  38. Intergenerational or Multigenerational? A Question of Nuance
  39. Construct Validity of Ryff's Scale of Psychological Well-Being in Spanish Older Adults
  40. Volunteering Among Older Spanish Adults: Does the Type of Organization Matter?
  41. Percepciones cruzadas entre abuelos y nietos en una muestra de díadas: una aproximación cualitativa
  42. The Meaning of Grandparenthood
  43. Educación en la vejez: hacia la definición de un nuevo ámbito para la Psicología de la Educación
  44. Teorías implícitas del cambio evolutivo en diferentes cohortes: representación de pérdidas y ganancias en la adultez