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  1. Little Owl Aggression and Territory in Urban and Rural Landscapes
  2. Ecological filtering shapes the impacts of agricultural deforestation on biodiversity
  3. Which bird traits most affect the goodness-of-fit of species distribution models?
  4. Climate change is associated with asynchrony in arrival between two sympatric cuckoos and both host arrival and prey emergence
  5. Potential hotspots of amphibian roadkill risk in Spain
  6. Population trends of ground-nesting birds indicate increasing environmental impacts from Eastern to Western Europe: different patterns for open-habitat and woodland species
  7. Spatial Overlap and Habitat Selection of Corvid Species in European Cities
  8. Effects of light and noise pollution on avian communities of European cities are correlated with the species’ diet
  9. EVI and NDVI as proxies for multifaceted avian diversity in urban areas
  10. Are birds more afraid in urban parks or cemeteries? A Latin American study contrasts with results from Europe
  11. Large‐scale spatial variability in urban tolerance of birds
  12. Estrategias de escape de aves en ambientes urbanos
  13. Habitat-specific diversity in Central European birds
  14. Flight initiation distance and refuge in urban birds
  15. Urban birds’ flight responses were unaffected by the COVID-19 shutdowns
  16. Spatial Distribution and Habitat Overlap of Five Columbidae Species in the Czech Republic
  17. Distribution and protection of avian specialization in Europe
  18. Sacred oak woods increase bird diversity and specialization: Links with the European Biodiversity Strategy for 2030
  19. Selection of Urbanized Areas by Magpie Pica pica in a Medium Size City in Poland
  20. Eiders, nutrients and eagles: Bottom‐up and top‐down population dynamics in a marine bird
  21. Urban tolerance of birds changes throughout the full annual cycle
  22. Global distribution and conservation of avian diet specialization
  23. Urban tolerance of birds changes throughout the full annual cycle
  24. Validation of a globally-applicable method to measure urban tolerance of birds using citizen science data
  25. Urban birds
  26. Combining the potential resilience of avian communities with climate change scenarios to identify areas of conservation concern
  27. Avian trait specialization is negatively associated with urban tolerance
  28. Ecological specialization and population trends in European breeding birds
  29. Amphibian diversity in Polish cities: Taxonomic diversity, functional diversity and evolutionary distinctiveness
  30. Diet specialization and brood parasitism in cuckoo species
  31. Biodiversity within the city: Effects of land sharing and land sparing urban development on avian diversity
  32. Editorial: Partitioning the Effects of Urbanization on Biodiversity: Beyond Wildlife Behavioural Responses to a Multilevel Assessment of Community Changes in Taxonomic, Functional and Phylogenetic Diversity
  33. Insurance for the future? Potential avian community resilience in cities across Europe
  34. Land‐sharing vs. land‐sparing urban development modulate predator–prey interactions in Europe
  35. Spatial associations among avian diversity, regulating and provisioning ecosystem services in Italy
  36. Bird response to woody pastoral management of ancient chestnut orchards: A case study from the southern Alps
  37. Functional evenness of bird communities varies along the elevational gradient in Europe: Conservation implications
  38. Avian trait specialization is negatively associated with urban tolerance
  39. Human-Leopard (Panthera pardus fusca) Co-Existence in Jhalana Forest Reserve, India
  40. A simple measure to quantify species specialization
  41. The Holy Grail is just a myth! Response to Haest 2019
  42. Ecotourism affects breeding in sergeant major damselfish (Abudefduf saxatilis)
  43. Contagious fear: Escape behavior increases with flock size in European gregarious birds
  44. Global congruence between cuckoo species richness and biodiversity hotspots
  45. Towards an integrative approach to evaluate the environmental ecosystem services provided by urban forest
  46. Comparative urbanization of birds in China and Europe based on birds associated with trees
  47. Spatial distribution of animal roadkills
  48. Congruence between breeding and wintering biodiversity hotspots: A case study in farmlands of Western Poland
  49. Cemeteries support avian diversity likewise urban parks in European cities: Assessing taxonomic, evolutionary and functional diversity
  50. Diet and habitat affinities in six raptor species in India
  51. Functional significance of cuckoo Cuculus canorus calls: responses of conspecifics, hosts and non-hosts
  52. Is vertebrate mortality correlated to potential permeability by underpasses along low-traffic roads?
  53. Number of syllables in cuckoo Cuculus canorus calls: A test using a citizen science project
  54. Birds adapt escape behavior against humans in parks and cemeteries.
  55. Ionizing radiation and taxonomic, functional and evolutionary diversity of bird communities
  56. Birds respond similarly to taxidermic models and live cuckoos Cuculus canorus
  57. High nature value farmland increases taxonomic diversity, functional richness and evolutionary uniqueness of bird communities
  58. Landscape heterogeneity measures as indicators of avian diversity
  59. Food preferences by birds using bird-feeders in winter: a large-scale experiment
  60. Associations among taxonomic diversity, functional diversity and evolutionary distinctiveness vary among environments
  61. Real-time distribution of pelagic fish: combining hydroacoustics, GIS and spatial modelling at a fine spatial scale
  62. Cuckoos host range is associated positively with distribution range and negatively with evolutionary uniqueness
  63. Effects of habitat and time of day on flock size of Turkey Vultures in Cuba (Cathartes aura)
  64. Multiple species of cuckoos are superior predictors of bird species richness in Asia
  65. Spatial covariance between ecosystem services and biodiversity pattern at a national scale (France)
  66. Cuckoos vs. top predators as prime bioindicators of biodiversity in disturbed environments
  67. Bird diversity in urban green space: A large-scale analysis of differences between parks and cemeteries in Central Europe
  68. Neglected effects of transport corridors: attractiveness to wildlife and role in conservation planning
  69. Pattern of evolutionarily distinct species among four classes of animals and their conservation status: a comparison using evolutionary distinctiveness scores
  70. Spatial mismatch analysis among hotspots of alien plant species, road and railway networks in Germany and Austria
  71. The common cuckoo is an effective indicator of high bird species richness in Asia and Europe
  72. Social media and scientific research are complementary—YouTube and shrikes as a case study
  73. Taxonomic diversity, functional diversity and evolutionary uniqueness in bird communities of Beijing's urban parks: Effects of land use and vegetation structure
  74. Water on the Fen Mire as a Problem in the Protection of Globally Threatened Species: Long-Term Changes in Aquatic Warbler Numbers
  75. Seasonal changes in avian communities living in an extensively used farmland of Western Poland
  76. Birds as Useful Indicators of High Nature Value Farmlands
  77. Introduction
  78. Discussion and Final Considerations
  79. Suitable Methods for Monitoring HNV Farmland Using Bird Species
  80. Case Study 3. Using Indicator Species Analysis IndVal to Identify Bird Indicators of HNV in Farmlands from Western Poland
  81. Case Study 1. Bird as Indicators of HNV: Case Study in Farmlands from Central Italy
  82. Cuckoo folklore and human well-being: Cuckoo calls predict how long farmers live
  83. Cuckoo as indicator of high functional diversity of bird communities: A new paradigm for biodiversity surrogacy
  84. Cuckoos as bioindicators
  85. Global loss of avian evolutionary uniqueness in urban areas
  86. Differences between niches of anthropocentric and biocentric conservationists: Wearing old clothes to look modern?
  87. The dark side of the “redundancy hypothesis” and ecosystem assessment
  88. Cities reduce the evolutionary uniqueness of bird communities
  89. The number of syllables in Chernobyl cuckoo calls reliably indicate habitat, soil and radiation levels
  90. Urbanization affects neophilia and risk-taking at bird-feeders
  91. Bats as prey of diurnal birds: a global perspective
  92. Brood sex ratio in expansive and non-expansive tern species in east-central Poland
  93. Testing bird response to roads on a rural environment: A case study from Central Italy
  94. Cuckoo and biodiversity: Testing the correlation between species occurrence and bird species richness in Europe
  95. Saving the best for last: Differential usage of impaled prey by red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) during the breeding season
  96. The symbolic importance of vultures for human beings
  97. Indicator species for avian biodiversity hotspots: Combination of specialists and generalists is necessary in less natural environments
  98. Presence of Cuckoo reliably indicates high bird diversity: A case study in a farmland area
  99. Who started first? Bird species visiting novel birdfeeders
  100. Habitat structure, breeding stage and sex affect hunting success of breeding Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio)
  101. Ecology in Europe: is there an ‘empty’ niche for the new journal among competitors, predators and parasites?
  102. Concerns about the use of ecosystem services as a tool for nature conservation: From misleading concepts to providing a “price” for nature, but not a “value”
  103. No species is an island: testing the effects of biotic interactions on models of avian niche occupation
  104. Associations between species can influence the goodness of fit of species distribution models: The case of two passerine birds
  105. Can roads, railways and related structures have positive effects on birds? – A review
  106. Birds as useful indicators of high nature value (HNV) farmland in Central Italy
  107. Are the nesting probabilities of the red-backed shrike related to proximity to roads?
  108. Buntings (Emberizidae) as indicators of HNV of farmlands: a case of study in Central Italy
  109. Landscape heterogeneity metrics as indicators of bird diversity: Determining the optimal spatial scales in different landscapes
  110. Relative importance of marginal vegetation (shrubs, hedgerows, isolated trees) surrogate of HNV farmland for bird species distribution in Central Italy
  111. Quantifying Effects of Spatial Heterogeneity of Farmlands on Bird Species Richness by Means of Similarity Index Pairwise
  112. Modelling the environmental niche of a declining farmland bird species
  113. Breeding habitat of red-backed shrikeLanius collurioon farmland hilly areas of Central Italy: is functional heterogeneity one important key?
  114. Plasticity of Habitat Selection By Red-Backed Shrikes (Lanius collurio) Breeding In Different Landscapes
  115. A Peregrine Falcon in Flight Retrieves Nestling Falling from a Cliff
  116. European Cities