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  1. Relationship between taproot morphological traits, carbon isotope composition and grain yield in safflower
  2. Application of response surface methodology to optimize the extraction of essential oil from ripe berries of Pistacia lentiscus using ultrasonic pretreatment
  3. Physiological and Biochemical Behaviour of Gleditsia triacanthos L. Young Seedlings Under Drought Stress Conditions
  4. Phytochemical screening and in vitro antioxidant activity of Pistacia lentiscus berries ethanolic extract growing in Algeria
  5. Nature des rhizobia associés à 15 espèces du genre Lotus en Algérie
  6. Effet de plusieurs méthodes de scarification et du stress osmotique sur la germination des graines de Robinia pseudoacacia L.
  7. Phylogenetic position of two endemicCarthamusspecies in Algeria and their potential as sources of genes for water use efficiency improvement of safflower
  8. Intraspecific variability of carbon isotope discrimination and its correlation with grain yield in safflower: prospects for selection in a Mediterranean climate
  9. Drought inhibits early seedling establishment of Parkinsonia aculeata L. under low light intensity: a physiological approach
  10. Analyze of Different Methods of Scarification and Biochemical Composition of Acacia Tortilis Subsp Raddiana Seeds
  11. Effects of dehydration and rehydration on the leaf lipids and lipid metabolism in Parkinsonia aculeata (Caesalpiniaceae)
  12. Water stress impact on young seedling growth of Acacia arabica
  13. Statut symbiotique et souches de rhizobia associées à l’Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana [Acacia raddiana s. s.], mimosoïdée des régions désertiques de l’Algérie
  14. Water distillation kinetic study of spearmint essential oil and of its major components
  15. Drought stress affects chloroplast lipid metabolism in rape (Brassica napus) leaves
  16. Modification of the biosynthesis of rape lipid molecular species by heat shock
  17. Effects of a Heat Shock on the Molecular Species of Rape Polar Lipids