All Stories

  1. “To Be Quite Honest, If It Wasn't for Videogames I Wouldn't Have a Social Life at All”: Motivations of Young Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorder for Playing Videogames as Leisure
  2. Effects of a Least-to-Most Prompting Procedure on Multisymbol Message Production in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Who Use Augmentative and Alternative Communication
  3. Social Referencing Gaze Behavior During a Videogame Task: Eye Tracking Evidence from Children With and Without ASD
  4. Friendship: Operationalizing the Intangible to Improve Friendship-Based Outcomes for Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder
  5. Service Delivery Experiences and Intervention Needs of Military Families with Children with ASD
  6. Parental support of video game play by children with ASD
  7. Theory of Planned Behavior Questionnaire
  8. “It's Not Humanly Possible to Do Everything”: Perspectives on Intervention Decision-Making Processes of Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
  9. Familiarity breeds support: Speech-language pathologists’ perceptions of bullying of students with autism spectrum disorders
  10. Intelligibility of Children’s Speech in Digitized Speech
  11. Perceptions of Communication Style and Influences on Intervention Practices for Young Children with AAC Needs
  12. Bullying, School-Based Speech-Language Pathologists, and English Language Learners: Seriousness, Intervention, and Strategy Selection
  13. Pediatricians’ perspectives on identification and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders
  14. Augmentative and Alternative Communication
  15. Decision Making of Parents of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Concerning Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Hungary
  16. “All Children Can and Should Have the Opportunity to Learn”: General Education Teachers' Perspectives on Including Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder who Require AAC
  17. A systematic review of the effectiveness of nurse communication with patients with complex communication needs with a focus on the use of augmentative and alternative communication