All Stories

  1. Whither Extensive Genomic-Based Microbial Taxonomic Revision?
  2. Laboratory Focus on Improving the Culture of Biosafety: Statewide Risk Assessment of Clinical Laboratories That Process Specimens for Microbiologic Analysis
  3. Photo Quiz: A 69-Year-Old Immunosuppressed Male with Chest Pain and Shortness of Breath
  4. Answer to November 2017 Photo Quiz
  5. Molecular Diagnostics Update for the Emerging (If Not Already Widespread) Sexually Transmitted Infection Agent Mycoplasma genitalium: Just About Ready for Prime Time
  6. Expansion of Comprehensive Screening of Male Sexually Transmitted Infection Clinic Attendees with Mycoplasma genitalium and Trichomonas vaginalis Molecular Assessment: a Retrospective Analysis
  7. Application of Alternative Nucleic Acid Extraction Protocols to ProGastro SSCS Assay for Detection of Bacterial Enteric Pathogens