All Stories

  1. Integrated high-resolution dataset of high-intensity European and Mediterranean flash floods
  2. Integrated Bayesian Estimation of IDF Curves: Consolidation and Extensive Testing of a Method
  3. Integrated high-resolution dataset of high intensity Euro-Mediterranean flash floods
  4. Flood frequency analysis: The Bayesian choice
  5. The challenge of forecasting impacts of flash floods: test of a simplified hydraulic approach and validation based on insurance claim data
  6. Reducing uncertainty in flood frequency analyses: A comparison of local and regional approaches involving information on extreme historical floods
  7. Evaluer et communiquer les incertitudes associées aux prévisions hydrologiques pour mieux partager l'information
  8. Regional flood frequency analyses involving extraordinary flood events at ungauged sites: further developments and validations
  9. Social and Hydrological Responses to Extreme Precipitations: An Interdisciplinary Strategy for Postflood Investigation
  10. Information historique et étude statistique des crues extrêmes : quelles caractéristiques souhaitables pour les inventaires de crues historiques ?
  11. Runoff
  12. Inventaires de crues extrêmes sur des sites non jaugés et analyse statistique régionale des débits : réflexions méthodologiques et évaluation des performances
  13. Spatially distributed flood forecasting in flash flood prone areas: Application to road network supervision in Southern France
  14. Etat des connaissances récentes acquises sur les crues éclair en Europe : bilan du projet de recherches européen HYDRATE (2006-2010)
  15. Extreme flood response to short-duration convective rainfall in South-West Germany
  16. Reducing the uncertainty in indirect estimates of extreme flash flood discharges
  17. Usefulness of historical information for flood frequency analyses: Developments based on a case study
  18. Besoins operationnels et progrès actuels en matière de connaissance des phenomènes physiques dans l’hydrologie des crues
  19. Bayesian MCMC approach to regional flood frequency analyses involving extraordinary flood events at ungauged sites
  20. Characterisation of selected extreme flash floods in Europe and implications for flood risk management
  21. Hydrological analysis of a flash flood across a climatic and geologic gradient: The September 18, 2007 event in Western Slovenia
  22. Seasonal characteristics of flood regimes across the Alpine–Carpathian range
  23. Flood frequency analysis using historical data: accounting for random and systematic errors
  24. Simulations hydrométéorologiques distribuées et prévision des coupures de routes dans le gard
  25. Distributed hydrologic and hydraulic modelling with radar rainfall input: Reconstruction of the 8–9 September 2002 catastrophic flood event in the Gard region, France
  26. Weather radar and hydrology
  27. A compilation of data on European flash floods
  28. Comprehensive post-event survey of a flash flood in Western Slovenia: observation strategy and lessons learned
  29. Flash flood warning based on rainfall thresholds and soil moisture conditions: An assessment for gauged and ungauged basins
  30. Post-flood field investigations in upland catchments after major flash floods: proposal of a methodology and illustrations
  31. Surveying flash floods: gauging the ungauged extremes
  32. Rainfall stochastic disaggregation models: Calibration and validation of a multiplicative cascade model
  33. Apport du recueil de données historiques pour l’étude des crues extrêmes de petits cours d’eau. Etude du cas de quatre bassins versants affluents de l’Aude
  34. A seepage face model for the interaction of shallow water tables with the ground surface: Application of the obstacle-type method
  35. Identification of chaos in rainfall temporal disaggregation: Application of the correlation dimension method to 5-minute point rainfall series measured with a tipping bucket and an optical raingage
  36. The Catastrophic Flash-Flood Event of 8–9 September 2002 in the Gard Region, France: A First Case Study for the Cévennes–Vivarais Mediterranean Hydrometeorological Observatory
  37. Sécheresses et étiages : quelques réflexions 
  38. Hydrological analysis of the river Aude, France, flash flood on 12 and 13 November 1999
  39. Study of the hydrological processes during the Avene river extraordinary flood (south of France): 6–7 October 1997
  40. Influence of the highest values on the choice of log-poisson random cascade model parameters
  41. Uncertainty assessment and analysis of the calibrated parameter values of an urban storm water quality model
  42. A short time-step point rainfall stochastic model
  43. Storm water quality modelling, an ambitious objective?
  44. Uncertainty analysis of calibrated parameter values of an urban storm water quality model using metropolis monte carlo algorithm