All Stories

  1. Unfolding female quiet in wargames: gender bias in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain from representation to gameplay
  2. Playing, debugging, learning: A proposal between game and instructional designs via extended prototyping
  3. You have got a (different) friend in me: Asymmetrical roles in gaming as potential ambassadors of computational and cooperative thinking
  4. Playing the post 9/11 on game service platforms: Premediation in The Division via and Steam
  5. Enjoying death among gamers, viewers, and users: A network visualization of Dark Souls 3’s trends on and Steam platforms
  6. Subjective Temporalities at Play: Temporality, Subjectivity and Gaming Affordances in Cities: Skylines, Europa Universalis IV and Pillars of Eternity
  7. Beyond Diagonal Sciences: Applying Roger Cailloiss Concepts of Symmetry and Dissymmetry to Journey