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  1. Freedom to act enhances the sense of agency, while movement and goal-related prediction errors reduce it
  2. Error, rather than its probability, elicits specific electrocortical signatures: a combined EEG-immersive virtual reality study of action observation
  3. Violation of expectations about movement and goal achievement leads to Sense of Agency reduction
  4. Primary somatosensory cortex necessary for the perception of weight from other people's action: A continuous theta-burst TMS experiment
  5. Boosting and Decreasing Action Prediction Abilities Through Excitatory and Inhibitory tDCS of Inferior Frontal Cortex
  6. Sensorimotor Network Crucial for Inferring Amusement from Smiles
  7. Illusion of arm movement evoked by tendon vibration in patients with spinal cord injury
  8. Apparent Biological Motion in First and Third Person Perspective
  9. Commentary: Understanding intentions from actions: Direct perception, inference, and the roles of mirror and mentalizing systems
  10. Embodying Others in Immersive Virtual Reality: Electro-Cortical Signatures of Monitoring the Errors in the Actions of an Avatar Seen from a First-Person Perspective
  11. Local and Remote Cooperation with Virtual and Robotic Agents: a P300 BCI Study in Healthy and People Living with Spinal Cord Injury
  12. The role of audio-visual feedback in a thought-based control of a humanoid robot: a BCI study in healthy and spinal cord injured people
  13. Re-establishing the disrupted sensorimotor loop in deafferented and deefferented people: The case of spinal cord injuries
  14. Body visual discontinuity affects feeling of ownership and skin conductance responses
  15. Mere observation of body discontinuity affects perceived ownership and vicarious agency over a virtual hand
  16. Illusory movements induced by tendon vibration in right- and left-handed people
  17. Audio-visual feedback improves the BCI performance in the navigational control of a humanoid robot
  18. Rubber hand illusion induced by touching the face ipsilaterally to a deprived hand: evidence for plastic “somatotopic” remapping in tetraplegics
  19. Rubber hand illusion highlights massive visual capture and sensorimotor face-hand remapping in a tetraplegic man
  20. Kinematics fingerprints of leader and follower role-taking during cooperative joint actions
  21. Action Simulation Plays a Critical Role in Deceptive Action Recognition
  22. And Yet They Act Together: Interpersonal Perception Modulates Visuo-Motor Interference and Mutual Adjustments during a Joint-Grasping Task
  23. Simulating the Future of Actions in the Human Corticospinal System