All Stories

  1. Assisting Frail Seniors With Toileting in a Home Bathroom: Approaches Used by Home Care Providers
  2. Care Challenges in the Bathroom: The Views of Professional Care Providers Working in Clients’ Homes
  3. The Evaluation of Vertical Pole Configuration and Location on Assisting the Sit-to-Stand Movement in Older Adults with Mobility Limitations
  4. Reaching to recover balance in unpredictable circumstances: Is online visual control of the reach-to-grasp reaction necessary or sufficient?
  5. Design of built environments to accommodate mobility scooter users: part II
  6. Does the “eyes lead the hand” principle apply to reach-to-grasp movements evoked by unexpected balance perturbations?
  7. Design of built environments to accommodate mobility scooter users: part I
  8. The use of peripheral vision to guide perturbation-evoked reach-to-grasp balance-recovery reactions
  9. Determining the Visual Angle of Objects in the Visual Field: An Extended Application of Eye Trackers
  10. The moveable handhold: A new paradigm to study visual contributions to the control of balance-recovery reactions
  11. Gaze Behavior of Older Adults in Responding to Unexpected Loss of Balance while Walking in an Unfamiliar Environment: a Pilot Study