All Stories

  1. Intensification, discovery and abandonment: Unearthing global ecologies of dis/connection in pandemic times
  2. Cammaerts, B. (2018). The circulation of anti-austerity protest. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave McMillan, 218 pp.
  3. From pre-emption to slowness: Assessing the contrasting temporalities of data-driven predictive policing
  4. The limits and boundaries of digital disconnection
  5. Vinyl won’t save us: reframing disconnection as engagement
  6. Live democracy and its tensions: making sense of livestreaming in the 15M and Occupy
  7. Exploring Data Justice: Conceptions, Applications and Directions
  8. Rethinking data(fication) and surveillance from a Southern perspective
  9. Repression, resistance and lifestyle: charting (dis)connection and activism in times of accelerated capitalism
  10. The Sublime of Digital Activism: Hybrid Media Ecologies and the New Grammar of Protest
  11. The Dark Side of Digital Politics: Understanding the Algorithmic Manufacturing of Consent and the Hindering of Online Dissidence
  12. Media ecologies and protest movements: main perspectives and key lessons
  13. Net-authoritarianism? How web ideologies reinforce political hierarchies in the Italian 5 Star Movement
  14. In search of the ‘we’ of social media activism: introduction to the special issue on social media and protest identities
  15. Reclaiming, proclaiming, and maintaining collective identity in the #YoSoy132 movement in Mexico: an examination of digital frontstage and backstage activism through social media and instant messaging platforms
  16. The #YoSoy132 movement and the struggle for media democratization in Mexico
  17. Media Practices, Mediation Processes, and Mediatization in the Study of Social Movements
  18. Challenging mainstream media, documenting real life and sharing with the community: An analysis of the motivations for producing citizen journalism in a post-disaster city
  19. De mitos y sublimes digitales: movimientos sociales y tecnologías de la comunicación desde una perspectiva histórica
  20. Does Web 3.0 come after Web 2.0? Deconstructing theoretical assumptions through practice
  21. Between the Square and the Net: Civic Engagement and Participation in a Post-Earthquake Movement