All Stories

  1. Toxicological Analysis of Drugs in Human Mummified Bodies and Proposed Guidelines
  2. Preface
  3. Clinical and Forensic Aspects of Pharmacobezoars
  4. Preface
  5. Suicide by Inhalation of Carbon Monoxide of Car Exhausts Fumes
  6. The H-index in Life and Health Sciences: Advantages, Drawbacks and Challenging Opportunities
  7. Repeated subcutaneous administrations of krokodil causes skin necrosis and internal organs toxicity in Wistar rats: putative human implications
  8. GC-MS Method for the Analysis of Thirteen Opioids, Cocaine and Cocaethylene in Whole Blood Based on a Modified Quechers Extraction
  9. Fatal Intoxications in the North of Portugal: 12 Years of Retrospective Analysis