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  1. Vascular Calcification and not Arrhythmia in Idiopathic Atrial Fibrillation Associates with Sex Differences in Diabetic Microvascular Injury miRNA Profiles
  2. Effect of Systemic Hypertension With Versus Without Left Ventricular Hypertrophy on the Progression of Atrial Fibrillation (from the Euro Heart Survey)
  3. Atherothrombosis and Thromboembolism: Position Paper from the Second Maastricht Consensus Conference on Thrombosis
  4. The influence of progression of atrial fibrillation on quality of life: a report from the Euro Heart Survey
  5. Symptomatic atrial fibrillation and risk of cardiovascular events: data from the Euro Heart Survey
  6. Study design paper of the ACWAS trial
  7. Poor anticoagulation relates to extended access times for cardioversion and is associated with long-term major cardiac and cerebrovascular events
  8. Systematic analysis of ECG predictors of sinus rhythm maintenance after electrical cardioversion for persistent atrial fibrillation
  9. Atrial inflammation and atrial function after cardiac surgery: can we study it properly?
  10. Vectorcardiographic QRS area as a novel predictor of response to cardiac resynchronization therapy