All Stories

  1. Working-class gay dads: Queer stories about family and work
  2. Effects of a Health Education Intervention for COVID-19 Prevention in Latinx Communities: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial
  3. Development and design of a culturally tailored intervention to address COVID-19 disparities among Oregon's Latinx communities: A community case study
  4. Barriers to STEM Efficacy and Outcome Expectations Among Native American College Students
  5. Effectiveness of a COVID-19 Testing Outreach Intervention for Latinx Communities
  6. Description and Pilot Evaluation of a Dreamer Ally Training for Higher Education Staff and Faculty
  7. The Counseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms-62 (CCAPS-62) and College Academic Outcomes
  8. Social justice and career development: Progress, problems, and possibilities
  9. College and Career Ready and Critically Conscious: Asset-Building With Latinx Immigrant Youth
  10. Engage Anzaldúa's 'nepantla' and 'nepantlerismo' to understand and address STEM underrepresentation
  11. After school intervention for Latinx immigrant youth
  12. How Latina/o youth envision their contributions to their communities
  13. Discrimination and Other Education Barriers, School Connectedness, and Thoughts of Dropping Out Among Latina/o Students
  14. Critical Consciousness: A Developmental Approach to Addressing Marginalization and Oppression
  15. Sociopolitical development, autonomous motivation, and education outcomes: Implications for low-income Latina/o adolescents.
  16. Advances in the Conceptualization and Measurement of Critical Consciousness
  17. Measure of Critical Consciousness
  18. Application of the Future Expectation Scale for Adolescents (FESA) in Brazil
  19. Sociodemographic differences in parental satisfaction with an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis
  20. Measuring help-seeking behaviors: Factor structure, reliability, and validity among youth with disabilities
  21. Vocational Psychology, Offenders and Ex-Offenders, and Social Justice
  22. Latina adolescents' plans, barriers, and supports: A focus group study.
  23. Contributions of Social Status and Family Support to College Students’ Career Decision Self-Efficacy and Outcome Expectations
  24. ¡Apóyenos! Latina/o Student Recommendations for High School Supports
  25. ¿Y ahora qué? Anticipated immigration status barriers and Latina/o high school students’ future expectations.
  26. Peer Associations and Coping
  27. International Group Counseling
  28. Connectedness Among Chilean Adolescents: Factor Analysis of the Hemingway Measure of Adolescent Connectedness
  29. Critical Perspectives on Adolescent Vocational Guidance in Chile
  30. A Cross-Cultural Assessment of School Connectedness: Testing Measurement Invariance With United States and Chilean Adolescents
  31. Measuring Perceived Teacher Support and Its Influence on Adolescent Career Development
  32. Transgender Identities and Gender Variance in Vocational Psychology
  33. Adolescent Future Expectations of Work, Education, Family, and Community Development of a New Measure
  34. Evaluation of Computer-Assisted Career Guidance in Middle and Secondary Education Settings: Status, Obstacles, and Suggestions
  35. Perceived Barriers and Postsecondary Plans in Mexican American and White Adolescents
  36. Rural Appalachian Youth’s Vocational/Educational Postsecondary Aspirations
  37. An experimental examination of two career interventions for battered women.
  38. An Emancipatory Communitarian Approach to Vocational Development Theory, Research, and Practice
  39. Annunciation
  40. Self-Efficacy and Vocational Outcome Expectations for Adolescents of Lower Socioeconomic Status: A Pilot Study
  41. Ethnic Differences in Career Supports and Barriers for Battered Women: a Pilot Study
  42. Applying Social Cognitive Career Theory to the Empowerment of Battered Women
  43. Sex and Ethnic Differences in the Perception of Educational and Career‐Related Barriers and Levels of Coping Efficacy
  44. Perceived Influences on High School Students' Current Career Expectations
  45. The effects of high school career education on social-cognitive variables.
  46. A causal model of the educational plans and career expectations of Mexican American high school girls.
  47. Suicide Ideation, Depression, and Stressful Life Events among Gifted Adolescents
  48. Perceived Barriers to Education and Career: Ethnic and Gender Differences
  49. Predictors of Educational Aspirations Among Adolescent Gifted Students of Color
  50. Youth at Risk: Another Point of View
  51. A decision-making model applied to career counseling
  52. Couples Helping Couples: Consultation and Training in Peñalolén, Chile