All Stories

  1. An undergraduate school for the nation: the effect of military service on veterans' social perceptions
  2. Balaniyot, Baths and Beyond
  3. Towards a Typology of Battlefield Miracles: The Case of Operation “Cast Lead” in the Israel Defense Forces
  4. Towards a Typology of Battlefield Miracles: The Case of Operation “Cast Lead” in the Israel Defense Forces
  5. Military service as bargaining: the case of religious women soldiers in Israel
  6. Toward a Classification of Managing Religious Diversity in the Ranks
  7. Swimming against the tide: the changing functions and status of chaplains in the Israel Defense Force
  8. Religious Accommodation as a Civil-Military Looking Glass: The Case of the Indian and Israeli Armed Forces
  9. Men and Boys: Representations of Israeli Combat Soldiers in the Media
  10. From ‘Rambo’ to ‘sitting ducks’ and back again: the Israeli soldier in the media
  11. Women of Valor: The Garin Program and the Israel Defense Forces
  12. Mediating Structures and the Military
  13. Balancing Acts: The Gulf States and Israel