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  1. Respiratory cardiac and metabolic responses during NMES in quadriceps versus a comparable voluntary muscle contraction. A prospective pilot study
  2. Disease-specific knowledge in Greek patients with COPD before entering pulmonary rehabilitation
  3. Tele-monitoring intervention on COPD exacerbations
  4. Aerobic interval training induces clinically meaningful effects in daily physical activity in COPD
  5. Interval training induces clinically meaningful effects in daily activity levels in COPD
  6. S98 Effectiveness of home maintenance tele-rehabilitation on COPD exacerbations
  7. Hemodynamic effects of high intensity interval training in COPD patients exhibiting exercise-induced dynamic hyperinflation
  8. Effectiveness of home tele-rehabilitation on functional capacity and daily physical activity in COPD patients
  9. Physiological determinants of rehabilitative-induced improvement in daily physical activity in patients with COPD
  10. Reply to Engel and Vemulpad
  11. Limitation in tidal volume expansion partially determines the intensity of physical activity in COPD
  12. Activity monitoring reflects cardiovascular and metabolic variations in COPD patients across GOLD stages II to IV
  13. Intensity of daily physical activity is associated with central hemodynamic and leg muscle oxygen availability in COPD
  14. Effect of Rehabilitative Exercise Training on Peripheral Muscle Remodelling in Patients with COPD: Targeting Beyond the Lungs
  15. On- and off-exercise kinetics of cardiac output in response to cycling and walking in COPD patients with GOLD Stages I–IV
  16. Smoking-Related Prognostic Factors and Adherence to Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.