All Stories

  1. Uncertainty principle for the Cantor dyadic group
  2. On alternative wavelet reconstruction formula: a case study of approximate wavelets
  3. Periodic wavelet frames and time–frequency localization
  4. Localization of functions defined on cantor group
  5. Uncertainty constants and quasispline wavelets
  6. A generalization of Jentzsch’s theorem
  7. Об одном обобщении теоремы Р. Йенча
  8. Meyer wavelets with least uncertainty constant
  9. Exponentially decaying wavelets with uncertainty constants uniformly bounded with respect to the smoothness parameter
  10. Всплески Мейера с наименьшей константой неопределенности
  11. Minimization of the uncertainty constant of the family of Meyer wavelets
  12. Минимизация константы неопределенности семейства всплесков Мейера