All Stories

  1. Repressentations of Displacement from the Middle East and North Africa
  2. Embracing Transculturalism and Footnoting Islam in Accounts of Arab Migration to Cuba
  3. Gender and Forced Migration
  4. Introduction
  5. The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies
  6. Refugee and Diaspora Memories: The Politics of Remembering and Forgetting
  7. The Inter-generational Politics of ‘Travelling Memories’: Sahrawi Refugee Youth Remembering Home-land and Home-camp
  8. Transnational abductions and transnational responsibilities? The politics of ‘protecting’ female Muslim refugees abducted from Spain
  9. Human rights activism and migration
  10. Invisible Refugees and/or Overlapping Refugeedom? Protecting Sahrawis and Palestinians Displaced by the 2011 Libyan Uprising
  11. Diaspora
  12. Nomads
  13. Transnational childhood and adolescence: mobilizing Sahrawi identity and politics across time and space
  14. Introduction: Faith-Based Humanitarianism in Contexts of Forced Displacement
  15. The Pragmatics of Performance: Putting 'Faith' in Aid in the Sahrawi Refugee Camps
  16. Paradoxes of Sahrawi refugees' educational migration: promoting self-sufficiency or renewing dependency?
  17. Histories of displacement: intersections between ethnicity, gender and class
  18. The Ethics of Migration Research Methodology: Dealing with Vulnerable Migrants. Edited by Ilse Van Liempt and Veronika Bilger.
  19. Muslim Asylum-Seekers and Refugees: Negotiating Identity, Politics and Religion in the UK
  20. . When the Self Becomes Other: Representations of Gender, Islam, and the Politics of Survival in the Sahrawi Refugee Camps
  21. "Ideal" Refugee Women and Gender Equality Mainstreaming in the Sahrawi Refugee Camps: "Good Practice" for Whom?
  22. Representing Sahrawi Refugees' 'Educational Displacement' to Cuba: Self-sufficient Agents or Manipulated Victims in Conflict?