All Stories

  1. No calculation necessary: Accessing magnitude through decimals and fractions
  2. Implicit and explicit spatial-numerical representations diverge in number-form synesthetes
  3. Taking the Relational Structure of Fractions Seriously: Relational Reasoning Predicts Fraction Knowledge in Elementary School Children
  4. A colorful advantage in iconic memory
  5. On Common Ground: Evidence for an Association Between Fractions and the Ratios They Represent
  6. Symbolic Fractions Invoke an Analog Magnitude Representation in School-age Children
  7. A SNARC in the mind or in the hand? A response to Shaki & Fischer
  8. Implicit and Explicit Spatial-Numerical Representations Diverge in Number-Form Synesthetes
  9. On the Genesis of Spatial-Numerical Associations: Evolutionary and Cultural Factors Co- Construct the Mental Number Line
  10. Adults think of fractions and whole numbers spatially
  11. From continuous magnitudes to symbolic numbers: The centrality of ratio
  12. Making Space for Spatial Proportions
  13. Neurocognitive Architectures and the Nonsymbolic Foundations of Fractions Understanding
  14. Individual Differences in Nonsymbolic Ratio Processing Predict Symbolic Math Performance
  15. Oxford Handbook of Synesthesia
  16. Synesthesia and Functional Imaging
  17. Synesthesia in School-Aged Children
  18. The cross-activation theory at 10
  19. Superior size–weight illusion performance in patients with schizophrenia: Evidence for deficits in forward models
  20. Implicit versus explicit interference effects in a number-color synesthete
  21. Number Line Compression and the Illusory Perception of Random Numbers
  22. Neural Constraints on Temporal-Spatial Metaphors
  23. What information is critical to elicit interference in number-form synaesthesia?
  24. Neural mechanisms of attentional shifts due to irrelevant spatial and numerical cues
  25. Numerical and Spatial Intuitions: A Role for Posterior Parietal Cortex?
  26. Synaesthesia: The Sounds of Moving Patterns
  27. A real red-letter day
  28. Neurophysiology of synesthesia
  29. Inverse retinotopy: Inferring the visual content of images from brain activation patterns
  30. Hearing Colors, Tasting Shapes
  31. Synesthesia: What Does It Tell Us about the Emergence of Qualia, Metaphor, Abstract Thought, and Language?
  32. Neurocognitive Mechanisms of Synesthesia
  33. Hearing Colors, Tasting Shapes
  34. EEG evidence for mirror neuron dysfunction in autism spectrum disorders
  35. Interactions between number and space in parietal cortex
  36. Individual Differences among Grapheme-Color Synesthetes: Brain-Behavior Correlations
  37. The size-weight illusion, emulation, and the cerebellum
  38. Hearing Colors, Tasting Shapes
  39. Probabilistic Epigenesis, Experience, and Psychological Development in Infancy
  40. Travel Broadens the Mind
  41. Edward Hubbard Defines Synesthesia
  42. Synesthesia