All Stories

  1. People treat a robot like a human being when the robot speaks to them
  2. Closing the income-achievement gap? Experimental evidence from high-dosage tutoring in Dutch primary education
  3. Can You Activate Me? From Robots to Human Brain
  4. Are honesy and school performance actually connected?
  5. Does democracy cause growth? A meta-analysis (of 2000 regressions)
  6. One Year Course can Change Violent Offenders' Social Preferences
  7. The effect of democracy and inclusive institutions matter on food security.
  8. Bridging Economics and International Relations to Understand State Capacity and War in Sub-Saharan Africa
  9. Aggregate wages of players and performance in Italian Serie A
  10. Democracy, State Capacity and Civil Wars: A New Perspective
  11. Richard Stone’s Contribution to Input-Output Analysis