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  1. Optical multilayered stack structure (so called photonic crystal) with unique properties
  2. Difference frequency generation of narrow-band THz radiation on the basis of a parametric three-wave interaction in a ZnTe crystal
  3. Multi-periodic one-dimensional photonic crystals
  4. Difference-Frequency Generation of THz Radiation via Parametric Three-Wave Interaction in CdTe and ZnTe Crystals
  5. Optical waveguide on the basis of a layered magnetoactive metamaterial
  6. Transmission spectra of one-dimensional bi-periodic photonic crystals
  7. Spectral properties of nonlinear surface polaritons of mid IR range in a «semiconductor–layered metamaterial» structure
  8. Magneto-optic waveguide and dielectric photonic crystal as a new complex structure for photonics
  9. Complex photonic structure based on magneto-optic waveguide and photonic crystal
  10. Hybrid magnetic waveguide and dielectric photonic crystal structure
  11. Plasmon-polariton surface waves at the interface of a dielectric and a nanocomposite with metal inclusions
  12. Influence of annealing on the diffusion characteristics and optical losses of multimode Ag+-glass waveguides