All Stories

  1. Making sleep easier: pharmacological interventions for insomnia
  2. Declarative virtual water maze learning and emotional fear conditioning in primary insomnia
  3. Electrodermal activity patterns in sleep stages and their utility for sleep versus wake classification
  4. European guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of insomnia
  5. The reorganisation of memory during sleep
  6. Nicht pharmakologische Insomnietherapie
  7. Severity of insomnia, disordered eating symptoms, and depression in female university students
  8. Schlafstörungen – Physiologie, Diagnostik und Behandlung
  9. The Relationship between Brain Morphology and Polysomnography in Healthy Good Sleepers
  10. Entwicklung von 130 deutschsprachigen Compound Remote Associate (CRA)-Worträtseln zur Untersuchung kreativer Prozesse im deutschen Sprachraum
  11. Chronic sleep loss during pregnancy as a determinant of stress: impact on pregnancy outcome
  12. Prolonged Sleep under Stone Age Conditions
  13. Schlaf-Wach-Störungen im DSM-5
  14. Sleep, Depression and Insomnia – A Vicious Circle?
  15. Perfectionistic Tendencies in Insomnia Patients' Behavior During Psychometric Testing
  16. The genetics of insomnia – Evidence for epigenetic mechanisms?
  17. Sleep changes in the disorder of insomnia: A meta-analysis of polysomnographic studies
  18. Sleep changes in smokers before, during and 3 months after nicotine withdrawal
  19. Orexin receptor antagonists: a new treatment for insomnia?
  20. Neue Studien zu Schlafstörungen
  21. Call me maybe — Psychotherapie ohne direkten Kontakt
  22. Orexin-Rezeptor-Antagonisten — eine neue medikamentöse Therapieoption bei Insomnie
  23. Objektivierbare Veränderungen bei primärer Insomnie — eine Metaanalyse
  24. Premature mortality in patients with epilepsy
  25. Reduced anterior internal capsule white matter integrity in primary insomnia
  26. Poor sleep quality and resistant hypertension
  27. Catalogue of knowledge and skills for sleep medicine
  28. REM sleep dysregulation in depression: State of the art
  29. Neuroimaging Studies in Insomnia
  30. Hyperarousal and Insomnia
  31. Sodium oxybate–induced central sleep apneas
  32. The microstructure of sleep in primary insomnia: An overview and extension
  33. Comorbid Sleep Disorders in Neuropsychiatric Disorders Across the Life Cycle
  34. Nonrestorative Sleep: A New Perspective
  35. Insomnia Does Not Appear to be Associated With Substantial Structural Brain Changes
  36. Buchbesprechungen
  37. Eine Option, wenn Antidepressiva nicht helfen
  38. Sleep Loss and Hypertension: A Systematic Review
  39. The effect of sleep‐specific brain activity versus reduced stimulus interference on declarative memory consolidation
  40. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Sucht und Schlaf: Grundlagen der Schlafregulation
  41. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Sucht und Schlaf: „legale“ Drogen
  42. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Sucht und Schlaf: „Illegale“ Drogen
  43. How smoking affects sleep: A polysomnographical analysis
  44. Increased EEG sigma and beta power during NREM sleep in primary insomnia
  45. Impaired sleep quality and sleep duration in smokers—results from the German Multicenter Study on Nicotine Dependence
  46. Sleep-Related Arousal Versus General Cognitive Arousal in Primary Insomnia
  47. Is Chronic Insomnia a Precursor to Major Depression? Epidemiological and Biological Findings
  48. Quantitative measurement of sleep quality using cardiopulmonary coupling analysis: a retrospective comparison of individuals with and without primary insomnia
  49. The Timing of Learning before Night-Time Sleep Differentially Affects Declarative and Procedural Long-Term Memory Consolidation in Adolescents
  50. EEG sigma and slow‐wave activity during NREM sleep correlate with overnight declarative and procedural memory consolidation
  51. Sleep and Psychotropic Drugs
  52. Psychotherapie ist der Ansatz der Wahl, Hypnotika sind ultima ratio
  53. Insomnia Research Is Coming of Age
  54. Acute insomnia: Current conceptualizations and future directions
  55. REM Sleep Instability – A New Pathway for Insomnia?
  56. Schlafstörungen
  57. Schlafstörungen (ICD-10 F5)
  58. Hierarchy of insomnia criteria based on daytime consequences
  59. Psychologische Behandlung bei Schlafstörungen
  60. The impact of increasing sleep restriction on cortisol and daytime sleepiness in adolescents
  61. Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Nocturnal Cytokine Concentrations in Depressed Patients and Healthy Control Subjects
  62. Autorinnen und Autoren
  63. Schlaf und Schlafstörungen
  64. Standard procedures for adults in accredited sleep medicine centres in Europe
  65. Insomnia in central neurologic diseases – Occurrence and management
  66. Insomnia as a predictor of depression: A meta-analytic evaluation of longitudinal epidemiological studies
  67. Time will tell: a retrospective study investigating the relationship between insomnia and objectively defined punctuality
  68. Das Kapitel Schlafstörungen im DSM-V – ein Zwischenbericht
  69. Clinical implications of the causal relationship between insomnia and depression: how individually tailored treatment of sleeping difficulties could prevent the onset of depression
  70. Dopamine agonists for the treatment of restless legs syndrome
  71. Is Smoking-related Attentional Bias a Useful Marker for Treatment Effects?
  72. Sleep-related memory consolidation in primary insomnia
  73. Levodopa for the treatment of restless legs syndrome
  74. Heart rate and heart rate variability in subjectively reported insomnia
  75. Sleep restriction over several days does not affect long-term recall of declarative and procedural memories in adolescents
  76. Schlafstörungen
  77. Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie eines Patienten mit Parasomnie
  78. Impaired memory consolidation during sleep in patients with functional memory disorder
  79. Learning as a Model for Neural Plasticity in Major Depression
  80. Sleep and emotions: A focus on insomnia
  81. Dream Recall and Dream Content in Obsessive-Compulsive Patients
  82. Sleep and memory in healthy children and adolescents – A critical review
  83. Sleep EEG in Patients with Primary Insomnia
  84. No persisting effect of partial sleep curtailment on cognitive performance and declarative memory recall in adolescents
  85. “Hyperarousal and insomnia: State of the science”
  86. The hyperarousal model of insomnia: A review of the concept and its evidence
  87. Does Effective Management of Sleep Disorders Reduce Depressive Symptoms and the Risk of Depression?
  88. Cerebral correlates of heart rate variations during a spontaneous panic attack in the fMRI scanner
  89. Effects of nicotine on sleep during consumption, withdrawal and replacement therapy
  90. Der gestörte Schlaf
  91. The treatments of chronic insomnia: A review of benzodiazepine receptor agonists and psychological and behavioral therapies
  92. The effect of trimipramine on dream recall and dream emotions in depressive outpatients
  93. Is sleep-related attentional bias due to sleepiness or sleeplessness?
  94. Ambulante psychotherapeutische Versorgung bei Zwangserkrankungen
  95. Die Alkoholismusspezifische Psychotherapie (ASP) in der Praxis – eine Therapeutenbefragung
  96. Schlafstörungen
  97. Schlafstörungen (ICD-10 F5)
  98. Effect of illicit recreational drugs upon sleep: Cocaine, ecstasy and marijuana
  99. Sleep‐related attentional bias in patients with primary insomnia compared with sleep experts and healthy controls
  100. Does REM sleep contribute to subjective wake time in primary insomnia? A comparison of polysomnographic and subjective sleep in 100 patients
  101. Trizyklische Antidepressiva als Schlafmittel. Medikamentöse Behandlungsoptionen bei Insomnie
  102. Pharmakotherapie der primären Insomnie - Über die Wirksamkeit, Sicherheit und Effektivität verschiedener Therapieoptionen
  103. Schlafstörungen (ICD-10 F5)
  104. Psychotherapie bei Schlafstörungen
  105. Cerebral correlates of muscle tone fluctuations in restless legs syndrome: A pilot study with combined functional magnetic resonance imaging and anterior tibial muscle electromyography
  106. Insomnia and comorbid psychiatric disorders
  107. Voxel-based morphometry in unmedicated patients with restless legs syndrome
  108. Relationship of periodic leg movements and severity of restless legs syndrome: A study in unmedicated and medicated patients
  109. Insomnie – mehr als eine Befindlichkeitsstörung
  110. Schlafstörungen (ICD-10 F5)
  111. Sleep Electroencephalographic Spectral Power After Withdrawal from Alcohol in Alcohol‐Dependent Patients
  112. Sleep in obsessive compulsive disorder
  113. Sleep and sleep disorders in adults with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
  114. Neuropsychological Impairment in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder—Improvement Over the Course of Cognitive Behavioral Treatment
  115. M1Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor Agonism Alters Sleep without Affecting Memory Consolidation
  116. Nocturnal Serum Leptin Values in Chronic Primary Insomnia: A Preliminary Report. N�chtliche Leptin-Aussch�ttung bei Prim�rer Insomnie: eine Pilotstudie
  117. Effects of Alcohol on Polysomnographically Recorded Sleep in Healthy Subjects
  118. Periodic leg movements in sleep and periodic limb movement disorder: Prevalence, clinical significance and treatment
  119. EEG-Slow-Wave-Aktivität bei Patienten mit Major Depression
  120. Increased nocturnal interleukin-6 excretion in patients with primary insomnia: A pilot study
  121. Dopamine agonists for restless legs syndrome
  122. Treatment of depression in patients with restless legs syndrome: What is evidence-based?
  123. Levodopa for restless legs syndrome
  124. Differential Effects of the Muscarinic M1 Receptor Agonist RS-86 and the Acetylcholine-Esterase Inhibitor Donepezil on REM Sleep Regulation in Healthy Volunteers
  125. Impact of Sleep-Related Complaints on Depressive Symptoms in Patients With Restless Legs Syndrome
  126. Chronic Tinnitus and Associated Sleep Disturbances. Chronischer Tinnitus und assoziierte Schlafstorungen
  127. Transient narcolepsy‐cataplexy syndrome after discontinuation of the antidepressant venlafaxine
  128. Influence of Low-Dose Doxepin on Periodic Leg Movements in Sleep in Primary Insomnia Patients. Einfluss von niedrig-dosiertem Doxepin auf die periodischen Beinbewegungen im Schlaf bei Patienten mit primarer Insomnie
  129. Schlafstörungen – mehr als eine Volkskrankheit
  130. Schlaf, Depression und insomnische Beschwerden
  131. Insomnia: Principles and Management
  132. Magnesium Treatment of Primary Alcohol‐Dependent Patients During Subacute Withdrawal: An Open Pilot Study With Polysomnography
  133. Object alternation test—is it sensitive enough to detect cognitive dysfunction in obsessive–compulsive disorder?
  134. The Guidelines for 'Non-Restorative Sleep': Relevance for the Diagnosis and Therapy of Insomnia. Die Leitlinie "Nicht-erholsamer Schlaf": Relevanz fur Diagnostik und Therapie der Insomnie
  135. Are there gender differences in objective and subjective sleep measures? A study of insomniacs and healthy controls
  136. Nocturnal cortisol and melatonin secretion in primary insomnia
  137. Transient total sleep loss in cerebral Whipple's disease: a longitudinal study
  138. Test–retest reliability and validity of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index in primary insomnia
  139. Consequences of Chronic (Primary) Insomnia: Effects on Performance, Psychiatric and Medical Morbidity - An Overview. Konsequenzen der chronischen (primaren) Insomnie: Auswirkungen auf Leistungsfahigkeit, psychiatrisches und organisches Erkrankungsrisiko
  140. Short-term training increases diagnostic and treatment rate for insomnia in general practice
  141. Periodic limb movements during sleep in alcohol dependent patients
  142. The tryptophan depletion test: impact on sleep in primary insomnia — a pilot study
  143. Gender-Dependent Age Effects on Sleep EEG Power Density in Major Depression. Einfluss von Alter und Geschlecht auf die spektrale EEG-Leistung bei Patienten mit Major Depression
  144. Sleep and Sleep-Wake Manipulations in Bipolar Depression
  145. Neurobiological Findings before and during Successful Lithium Therapy of a Patient with 48-Hour Rapid-Cycling Bipolar Disorder
  146. Sleep and the cholinergic rapid eye movement sleep induction test in patients with primary alcohol dependence
  147. Sleep and depression — results from psychobiological studies: an overview
  148. Doxepin in the Treatment of Primary Insomnia
  149. Evidenzbasierte Medizin und die Cochrane Collaboration - Bedeutung fur die Schlafmedizin. The Concept of "Evidence-based Medicine" and the Cochrane Collaboration - Implications for Sleep Medicine
  150. Subjektive Parameter des Schlafs bei Patienten mit primarer Alkoholabhangigkeit. Subjective Estimation of Sleep in Patients with Primary Alcohol Dependence
  151. Long-term effectiveness of a short-term cognitive-behavioral group treatment for primary insomnia
  152. Sleep deprivation and growth-hormone secretion
  153. The effect of rivastigmine on sleep in elderly healthy subjects
  154. Schlafstörungen
  155. Independent sleep EEG slow-wave and spindle band dynamics associated with 4 weeks of continuous application of short-half-life hypnotics in healthy subjects
  156. A 19‐h spontaneous sleep period in idiopathic central nervous system hypersomnia
  157. Sleep disorders and mental disorders
  158. Periodic limb movements during sleep are a frequent finding in patients with Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome
  159. Circadian profiles of melatonin in melancholic depressed patients and healthy subjects in relation to cortisol secretion and sleep
  160. Interleukin-6-(IL-6) plasma levels in depression and schizophrenia: comparison between the acute state and after remission
  161. Cholinergic mechanisms in sleep and depression
  162. Effect of tetrahydroaminoacridine on sleep in healthy subjects
  163. Advanced vs. normal sleep timing: effects on depressed mood after response to sleep deprivation in patients with a major depressive disorder
  164. [123I]IBZM SPET analysis of dopamine D2 receptor occupancy in narcoleptic patients in the course of treatment
  165. Induction of cytokine synthesis and fever suppresses REM sleep and improves mood in patients with major depression
  166. Growth hormone response to growth hormone-releasing hormone and clonidine in depression
  167. REM Sleep Criteria - Putative Markers for Distinction of Alzheimer's Disease and Major Depression
  168. Sleep in Adolescents with Primary Major Depression and Schizophrenia: A Pilot Study
  169. Influence of Biperiden and Bornaprine on Sleep in Healthy Subjects
  170. Treatment of primary insomnia with trimipramine: An alternative to benzodiazepine hypnotics?
  171. The influence of carbamazepine on sleep-EEG and the clonidine test in healthy subjects: Results of a preliminary study
  172. Cholinergic REM induction test: Muscarinic supersensitivity underlies polysomnographic findings in both depression and Schizophrenia
  173. Influence of the cholinesterase inhibitor galanthamine hydrobromide on normal sleep
  174. Sleep EEG of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder
  175. Sleep in depression: the influence of age, gender and diagnostic subtype on baseline sleep and the cholinergic REM induction test with RS 86
  176. Cholinergic neurotransmission, REM sleep and depression
  177. Introduction
  178. REM sleep in depression—an overview
  179. Treatment of narcolepsy‐cataplexy syndrome with the new selective and reversible MAO‐A inhibitor brofaromine—a pilot study
  180. Influence of the Cholinergic Agonist SDZ 210-086 on Sleep in Healthy Subjects
  181. Naps after total sleep deprivation in depressed patients: Are they depressiogenic?
  182. Effect of morning and afternoon naps on mood after total sleep deprivation in patients with major depression
  183. The Effect of Carbamazepine on Endocrine and Sleep EEG Variables in a Patient with 48-Hour Rapid Cycling, and Healthy Controls
  184. Sleep, age, depression and the cholinergic rem induction test with RS 86
  185. The cholinergic REM induction test with RS 86 after scopolamine pretreatment in healthy subjects
  186. Effect of RS 86 on REM latency in schizophrenia
  187. From early to late adulthood changes in EEG sleep of depressed patients and healthy volunteers
  188. Are there predictors for sleep deprivation response in depressed patients?
  189. Neuroendocrinological investigations during sleep deprivation in depression II. Longitudinal measurement of thyrotropin, TH, cortisol, prolactin, GH, and LH during sleep and sleep deprivation
  190. A polysomnographic study in young psychiatric inpatients: major depression, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa
  191. EEG sleep and the cholinergic REM induction test in anorexic and bulimic patients
  192. Influence of the Cholinergic Agonist RS 86 on normal sleep: Sex and age effects
  193. Sleep and Dreams in Eating Disorders
  194. Initial REM sleep suppression by clomipramine: A prognostic tool for treatment response in patients with a major depressive disorder
  195. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia
  196. Depressive disorders
  197. Schlafstörungen