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  1. MoT-PSA: a two-layer depth-averaged model for simulation of powder snow avalanches on three-dimensional terrain
  2. High-quality snow-avalanche hazard indication maps for large areas
  3. Which future for snow avalanche dynamics research?
  4. What Can We Learn About Avalanche Dynamics From the Avalanche at Rigopiano in 2017?
  5. Points of current interest in the Grigorian–Ostroumov avalanche model from the 1970s
  6. What Can We Learn From Field Observations of Powder Snow Avalanches?
  7. Seismic location and tracking of snow avalanches and slush flows on Mt. Fuji, Japan
  8. How do the soil properties of a landslide affect the tsunami it generates?
  9. A Novel Quasi-3D Landslide Dynamics Model: From Theory to Applications and Risk Assessment
  10. An Avalanche Model Based on the State of the Art in Granular Dynamics
  11. Substrate and flow-material properties determine the erosion rate
  12. Application of a SPH depth-integrated model to landslide run-out analysis
  13. The Role of Sediment Composition in the Flow Behaviour of Submarine Landslides
  14. The 1978 Quick Clay Landslide at Rissa, Mid Norway: Subaqueous Morphology and Tsunami Simulations
  15. How does the flow rheology constrain the erosion rate of an avalanche?
  16. Are existing avalanche models good enough for hazard mapping?
  17. Inferences on flow mechanisms from snow avalanche deposits
  18. On full-scale avalanche measurements at the Ryggfonn test site, Norway
  19. On the dynamics of subaqueous clay rich gravity mass flows—the giant Storegga slide, Norway
  20. On the dynamics of subaqueous clay rich gravity mass flows—the giant Storegga slide, Norway
  21. Scaling behaviour of clay-rich submarine debris flows
  22. Scaling behaviour of clay-rich submarine debris flows
  23. Flow models of natural debris flows originating from overconsolidated clay materials
  24. Subaqueous debris flow behaviour and its dependence on the sand/clay ratio: a laboratory study using particle tracking
  25. High Mobility Of Subaqueous Debris Flows And The Lubricating-Layer Model
  26. Possible erosion mechanisms in snow avalanches
  27. Experimental Information on the Dynamics of Dry-Snow Avalanches
  28. Submarine mass-wasting on glacially-influenced continental slopes: processes and dynamics
  29. Particle densities, velocities and size distributions in large avalanches from impact-sensor measurements
  30. A model of powder-snow avalanches
  31. Modelling of snow entrainment and deposition in powder-snow avalanches
  32. Leptons and ‘‘horizontal’’ neutral scalar bosons from topological particle theory