All Stories

  1. Un blando en Gobernación: las políticas de orden público de Tomás Garicano Goñi
  2. Proches, mais différents. Les transitions de l’Europe du Sud des années 1970 revisitées
  3. Catholic Transnational Repertoires in the Nineteenth-Century: Signatures, Newspapers and Organisation
  4. Introduction: Perspectives on Agency and Citizenship
  5. Petitioning by Riot in Spain and the Origins of Modern Mass Petitioning
  6. Forjadas por los adversarios. Movilización católica en la era del liberalismo (1812-1874)
  7. France Speaks!
  8. The history of the multiples uses of petitioning in Revolutionary and Napoleonic France
  9. How did 19th-century spaniards discover mass petitions?
  10. Persistent Repertoires of Contention in Portugal: From Tax Riots to Anti-communist Violence (1840–1975)
  11. Civil Resistance in the Portuguese Revolution, 1975
  12. A culatazos
  13. Repressive Legacies and the Democratisation of Iberian Police Systems
  14. Fascist lackeys? Dealing with the police's past during Portugal's transition to democracy (19741980)
  15. Guardians of the Republic?: Portugal’s Guarda Nacional Republicana and the Politicians During the ‘New Old Republic’, 1919–22
  16. Historia y Política: Ideas, Procesos y Movimientos Sociales