All Stories

  1. A biomythography introducing the Blafemme Healing framework.
  2. The public psychology for liberation training model: A call to transform the discipline.
  3. “Coming together after tragedy reaffirms the strong sense of community and pride we have:” LGBTQ people find strength in community and cultural values during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  4. Toward radical healing: A qualitative metasynthesis exploring oppression and liberation among Black queer people.
  5. Critical consciousness of anti-Black racism: A practical model to prevent and resist racial trauma.
  6. Effectiveness of undergraduate human sexuality courses in enhancing women’s sexual functioning
  7. Unseen and Underserved: A Content Analysis of Wellness Support Services for Bi + People of Color and Indigenous People on U.S. Campuses
  8. Rewriting the Narrative of Bisexual People of Color and Indigenous People: Introduction to the Special Issue