All Stories

  1. GREEK RELIGION - R. Parker On Greek Religion. (Cornell Studies in Classical Philology 60.) Pp. xviii + 309, ills. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2011. Paper, US$29.95 (Cased, US$75). ISBN: 978-0-8014-7735-5 (978-0-8014-4948-2 hbk).
  2. GENDER AND EXCHANGE - D. Lyons Dangerous Gifts. Gender and Exchange in Ancient Greece. Pp. xvi + 166, ills. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2012. Cased, US$55. ISBN: 978-0-292-72967-4.
  3. Dione
  4. Leto
  5. Kassandra
  6. Eileithyia
  7. Chrysothemis
  8. Alkmene
  9. Women
  10. Theano
  11. Semele
  12. Marriage
  13. Klytaimnestra
  14. Ixion
  15. Iphianassa
  16. Hypsipyle
  17. Maia
  18. Dangerous Gifts: Ideologies of Marriage and Exchange in Ancient Greece