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  1. A Randomised Ensemble Learning Approach for Multiclass Motor Imagery Classification Using Error Correcting Output Coding
  2. Multifractal Analysis of Speech Imagery of IPA Vowels
  3. A fingertip force prediction model for grasp patterns characterised from the chaotic behaviour of EEG
  4. Epilepsy and seizure characterisation by multifractal analysis of EEG subbands
  5. Chaos Analysis of Speech Imagery of IPA Vowels
  6. PDMS based multielectrode arrays for superior in-vitro retinal stimulation and recording
  7. A comparative study of light and electrically evoked response of retinal ganglion cells
  8. EEG based motor imagery study of time domain features for classification of power and precision hand grasps
  9. Multifractal analysis of electroencephalogram for human speech modalities
  10. Comparative study of parameters of Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis on EEG bands