All Stories

  1. Automatic and controlled antecedents of suicidal ideation and action: A dual-process conceptualization of suicidality.
  2. Danger or dislike: Distinguishing threat from negative valence as sources of automatic anti-Black bias.
  3. On Logical and Mathematical Boxes: Does the Attitudinal Entropy Framework Expand Our Understanding of Attitudes?
  4. On the Prioritized Processing of Threat in a Dual Implicit Process Model of Evaluation
  5. Clarifying the Explanatory Scope of the Dual Implicit Process Model
  6. In Harm’s Way: On Preferential Response to Threatening Stimuli
  7. News Media Depictions of Obama Influence Automatic Attitudes: Implications for the Obama Effect
  8. Strangers With Benefits: Attraction to Outgroup Men Increases Across the Menstrual Cycle
  9. The Influence of Location and Luminosity on Visual Attention During Viewing of Dynamic Stimuli
  10. Exploring implicit ingroup and outgroup bias toward Hispanics
  11. Exploring the influence of audio in directing visual attention during dynamic content