All Stories

  1. Plant community and phylogenetic shifts in acid seep springs over 49 years following Microstegium vimineum invasion
  2. Mass ratio effects underlie ecosystem responses to environmental change
  3. Do No Harm: Efficacy of a Single Herbicide Application to Control an Invasive Shrub While Minimizing Collateral Damage to Native Species
  4. Functional response of subordinate species to intraspecific trait variability within dominant species
  5. Is phylogenetic and functional trait diversity a driver or a consequence of grassland community assembly?
  6. Effect of PPO-Inhibiting Herbicides on the Growth and Sex Ratio of a Dioecious Weed Species Amaranthus palmeri (Palmer Amaranth)
  7. Functional diversity is more sensitive to biotic filters than phylogenetic diversity during community assembly
  8. Is it OK to leave some weeds in a crop field?
  9. Plant ecologists contribute to global food security.
  10. Ecotypic variation in forage nutrient value of a dominant prairie grass across a precipitation gradient
  11. Life history ofAchyranthes japonica(Amaranthaceae): an invasive species in southern Illinois1
  12. Using integral projection models to compare population dynamics of four closely related species
  13. Occurrence of an herbicide‐resistant plant trait in agricultural field margins
  14. Benchmark study on glyphosate-resistant cropping systems in the United States. Part 7: Effects of weed management strategy (grower practices versus academic recommendations) on the weed soil seedbank over 6 years
  15. Seedbank and Field Emergence of Weeds in Glyphosate-Resistant Cropping Systems in the United States
  16. Core-satellite species hypothesis and native versus exotic species in secondary succession
  17. Methods in Comparative Plant Population Ecology
  18. Alteration of Root Growth by Lettuce, Wheat, and Soybean in Response to Wear Debris from Automotive Brake Pads
  19. Genetic Sorting of Subordinate Species in Grassland Modulated by Intraspecific Variation in Dominant Species
  20. Intraspecific variation among clones of a naïve rare grass affects competition with a nonnative, invasive forb
  21. Convergent and Contingent Community Responses to Grass Source and Dominance During Prairie Restoration Across a Longitudinal Gradient
  22. No effect of seed source on multiple aspects of ecosystem functioning during ecological restoration: cultivars compared to local ecotypes of dominant grasses
  23. Fitness among population sources of a dominant species (Andropogon gerardii Vitman) used in prairie restoration 1
  24. Temporal dynamics of plant community regeneration sources during tallgrass prairie restoration
  25. Use of multiple criteria in an ecological assessment of a prairie restoration chronosequence
  26. Dissolution of copper and iron from automotive brake pad wear debris enhances growth and accumulation by the invasive macrophyte Salvinia molesta Mitchell
  27. The effect of weed management systems and location on arable weed species communities in glyphosate-resistant cropping systems
  28. Agricultural Weeds in Glyphosate-Resistant Cropping Systems in the United States
  29. Accelerated succession following an intense wind storm in an oak-dominated forest
  30. What determines "suitable habitat" for metapopulation studies? An analysis of environmental gradients and species assemblages in xeric forest openings
  31. Mowing and fertilizer effects on seedling establishment in a successional old field
  32. Succession of Exotic and Native Species Assemblages within Restored Floodplain Forests: A Test of the Parallel Dynamics Hypothesis
  33. Intraspecific Variation in Ecophysiology of Three Dominant Prairie Grasses Used in Restoration: Cultivar Versus Non-Cultivar Population Sources
  34. Journal of EcologyNews
  35. Loss of Cornus florida L. Leads to Significant Changes in The Seedling and Sapling Strata in An Eastern Deciduous Forest 1
  36. Patterns of Invasion: Trends in Abundance of Understory Vegetation, Seed Rain, and Seed Bank from Forest Edge to Interior
  37. Characterizing the microhabitats of exotic species in Illinois shale barrens
  38. The weed community affects yield and quality of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.)
  39. Journal of Ecology News
  40. Journal of Ecology News
  41. Editorial
  42. Journal of Ecology news
  43. Impact of interspecific competition on seed development and quality of five soybean cultivars
  44. Stream insect occupancy-frequency patterns and metapopulation structure
  45. Response of Tridens Flavus (l.) A. S. Hitchc. to Soil Nutrients and Disturbance in an Early Successional Old Field 1
  46. Announcement
  47. Microhabitat factors and the distribution of exotic species across forest edges in temperate deciduous forest of southern Illinois, USA 1
  48. Journal of Ecology news
  49. Breeding system, branching processes, hybrid swarm theory, and the humped-back diversity relationship as additional explanations for apparent monophyly in the Macaronesian island flora
  50. Using Local Seeds in Prairie Restoration Data Support the Paradigm
  51. Water dispersal of vegetative bulbils of the invasive exotic Dioscorea oppositifolia L. in southern Illinois 1
  52. Species frequency dynamics in an old-field succession: Effects of disturbance, fertilization and scale
  53. Journal of Ecology news
  54. Festuca longifolia Thuill. (F. glauca auct. non Vill., F. glauca var. caesia (Sm.) Howarth, F. caesia Sm.)
  55. Using local seeds in prairie restoration--data support the paradigm
  56. Conservation genetics of two co-dominant grass species in an endangered grassland ecosystem
  57. Mechanisms for Dominance in An Early Successional Old Field by the Invasive Non-Native Lespedeza Cuneata (Dum. Cours.) G. Don
  58. How predictable are aphid population responses to elevated CO2 ?
  59. Effects of elevated CO2, nitrogen and fungal endophyte-infection on tall fescue: growth, photosynthesis, chemical composition and digestibility
  60. Genetic Diversity and Competitive Abilities of Dalea purpurea (Fabaceae) from Remnant and Restored Grasslands
  61. Life History of Microstegium vimineum (Poaceae), an Invasive Grass in Southern Illinois
  62. Effects of Endophyte Infection in Tall Fescue ( Festuca arundinacea : Poaceae) on Community Diversity
  63. The effect of seeds of exotic species transported via horse dung on vegetation along trail corridors
  64. Obituary: Eric Vernon Watson B.Sc., Ph.D. (1914–1999)
  65. Festuca arundinacea Schreber (F. elatior L. ssp. arundinacea (Schreber) Hackel)
  66. Endophyte Infection Levels of Native and Naturalized Fescues in Illinois and England
  67. Eighteen Years of Herbaceous Layer Recovery of a Recreation Area in a Mesic Forest
  68. forumThe core-satellite species hypothesis provides a theoretical basis for Grime's classification of dominant, subordinate, and transient species
  69. Elevated carbon dioxide results in smaller populations of the bird cherry - oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi
  70. Random amplified polymorphic DNA variation among remnant big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii Vitman) populations from Arkansas' Grand Prairie
  71. The Regeneration Potential of a Threatened Southern Illinois Shale Barren
  72. Learning Ecology by Doing Ecology: Long-Term Field Experiments in Succession
  73. Designs for greenhouse studies of interactions between plants
  74. Population Biology of Grasses
  75. Permutation of Two-Term Local Quadrat Variance Analysis: General concepts for interpretation of peaks
  76. Physiological Performance of Andropogon gerardii, Panicum virgatum, and Sorghastrum nutans on Reclaimed Mine Spoil
  77. Textbook Misconceptions: The Climax Concept of Succession
  78. The relationship between the soil seed bank and above-ground vegetation of a coastal barrier island
  79. Experimental Analysis of Intermediate Disturbance and Initial Floristic Composition: Decoupling Cause and Effect
  80. Parallel Analysis: a method for determining significant principal components
  81. Population structure and spatial pattern in the dioecious shrub Ceratiola ericoides
  82. Mycorrhizal Influence on Intra- and Interspecific Neighbour Interactions among Co-Occurring Prairie Grasses
  83. Regeneration of the Shrub Gaylussacia baccata and Associated Species After Low-Intensity Fire in an Atlantic Coastal Plain Forest
  84. Clonal propagation, local disturbance, and the structure of vegetation: Ericaceous shrubs in the pine barrens of New Jersey
  85. Management Practices in Tallgrass Prairie: Large- and Small-Scale Experimental Effects on Species Composition
  86. Management Practices in Tallgrass Prairie: Large- and Small-Scale Experimental Effects on Species Composition
  87. Disturbances in tallgrass prairie: local and regional effects on community heterogeneity
  88. Effect of Fire on Tree Spatial Patterns in a Tallgrass Prairie Landscape
  89. Controls of nitrogen limitation in tallgrass prairie
  90. Fire Temperature Heterogeneity in Contrasting Fire Prone Habitats: Kansas Tallgrass Prairie and Florida Sandhill
  91. Effects of small mammal and invertebrate herbivory on plant species richness and abundance in tallgrass prairie
  92. The vegetation colonizing small animal disturbances in tallgrass prairie were surveyed.
  93. Topographic and Fire Effects on the Composition and Abundance of VA-Mycorrhizal Fungi in Tallgrass Prairie
  94. The Maintenance of Plant and Soil Heterogeneity in Dune Grassland
  95. The Relationship of Sheep Grazing and Soil Heterogeneity to Plant Spatial Patterns in Dune Grassland
  96. Regeneration and Fluctuation of Tallgrass Prairie Vegetation in Rresponse to Burning Frequency
  97. The Seedling Habitat of Pinus echinata and Melampyrum lineare in Oak-Pine Forest of the New Jersey Pinelands
  98. Additions to the Vascular Flora of Konza Prairie Research Natural Area, Kansas
  99. Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in soil nutrient supply measured usingin situ ion-exchange resin bags
  100. The Natural Revegetation of Lead/Zinc Mine Spoil in Northeastern Oklahoma
  101. Revegetation of Unreclaimed Coal Strip-Mines In Oklahoma: I. Vegetation Structure and Soil Properties
  102. Succession
  103. Ordination Analysis
  104. Grassland Biome