All Stories

  1. Cognitive and emotional correlates of belief in political misinformation: Who endorses partisan misbeliefs?
  2. Jumping to conclusions: Implications for reasoning errors, false belief, knowledge corruption, and impeded learning.
  3. Consistency just feels right: Procedural fluency increases confidence in performance.
  4. Decision fluency and overconfidence among beginners.
  5. Why People Trust: Solved Puzzles and Open Mysteries
  6. Cultural Patterns Explain the Worldwide Perception/Performance Paradox in Student Self-Assessments of Math and Science Skill
  7. The best option illusion in self and social assessment
  8. Reflections on Self-Reflection: Contemplating Flawed Self-Judgments in the Clinic, Classroom, and Office Cubicle
  9. Hypocognition: Making sense of the landscape beyond one’s conceptual reach.
  10. Normative goals and the regulation of social behavior: The case of respect
  11. Trust against all odds? Emotional dynamics in trust behavior.
  12. When Knowledge Knows No Bounds
  13. The Dunning–Kruger Effect
  14. Self-Discovery