All Stories

  1. No More Heroes: Critical Perspectives on Leadership Romanticism
  2. Critical Leadership Studies.
  3. Resistance through Difference: The Co-Constitution of Dissent and Inclusion
  4. Teaching Leadership Critically: New Directions for Leadership Pedagogy
  5. Rethinking Global Leadership Development Programmes: The Interrelated Significance of Power, Context and Identity
  6. Dichotomies, dialectics and dilemmas: New directions for critical leadership studies?
  7. Prozac Leadership
  8. In search of the perfect manager? Work-life balance and managerial work
  9. `Blended Leadership': Employee Perspectives on Effective Leadership in the UK Further Education Sector
  10. Rethinking followership: A post-structuralist analysis of follower identities
  11. Dialectics of leadership
  12. David L. Collinson, David Knights and Margaret Collinson. Managing to Discriminate
  13. Managing the Shopfloor