All Stories

  1. Home or Away? Pathways to Employment for the Highly Qualified in Armenia After the Velvet Revolution
  2. The Erasmus undergraduate exchange programme: a highly qualified success story?
  3. A Tale of Two Crises: Young People and the Great Recession in Portugal and Ireland
  4. Recensão: The Erasmus Phenomen. Symbol of a New European Generation? [Benjamin Feyen e Ewa Krzaklewska (eds.), Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang]
  5. Another ‘Missing Middle’? The marginalised majority of tertiary-educated youth in Portugal during the economic crisis
  6. Youth Transitions, International Student Mobility and Spatial Reflexivity
  7. Leaving Northern Ireland: youth mobility field, habitus and recession among undergraduates in Belfast
  8. Spatial reflexivity and undergraduate transitions in the Republic of Ireland after the Celtic Tiger
  9. “I Wouldn't Stay Here”: Economic Crisis and Youth Mobility in Ireland
  10. Learning Insularity: Social Capital, Social Learning and Staying at Home Among European Youth
  11. I wouldn’t mind moving actually: Exploring Student Mobility in Northern Ireland
  12. Youth on the Move
  13. European Youth and Geographical Mobility An Introduction
  14. Across Difference: Portuguese Muslim Youth as Portuguese Youth?
  15. The Future of Youth Mobility in Europe A Conclusion
  16. Study of Young Carers in the Irish Population
  17. Youth on the Move? Student Mobility and Immobility in Portugal and Northern Ireland
  18. Youth on the Move? Exploring Youth Migrations in Eastern Germany and Northern Ireland
  19. Representing Islam and Lisbon Youth. Portuguese Muslims of Indian-mozambican Origin
  20. Jovens europeus: retrato da diversidade
  21. Up off our Bellies and onto our Knees: Symbolic Effacement and the Orange Order in Northern Ireland
  22. The object of sectarianism: the material reality of sectarianism in Ulster Loyalism
  23. The Wrong Portuguese? Youth and Geographical Mobility Intentions in Portugal
  24. Youth on the Move? Exploring Youth Migrations in Eastern Germany and Northern Ireland