All Stories

  1. Syntax and the failure of analogical generalization: A commentary on Ambridge (2020)
  2. Structure, use, and syntactic ecology in language obsolescence
  3. More misrepresentation: A response to Behme and Evans 2015
  4. Mythical myths: Comments on Vyvyan Evans’ “The Language Myth”
  5. Syntax
  6. Variability and grammatical architecture
  7. Language learners privilege structured meaning over surface frequency
  8. Constructions and Grammatical Explanation: Comments on Goldberg
  9. Relative who and the actuation problem
  10. Labels and Structures
  11. Syntactic Interpretation
  12. Puzzles in the Syntax of Relational Nominals
  13. Conclusion
  14. Introduction
  15. The PP Peripherality Generalization
  16. The Etiology of the PP Argument
  17. A Syntax of Substance
  18. Information Structure, Discourse Structure, and Noun Phrase Position in Kiowa 1
  19. Introduction; Integrating Genetic and Cultural Evolutionary Approaches to Language
  20. Features in Minimalist Syntax
  21. Bare resumptives
  22. A Minimalist theory of feature structure
  23. Variation in agreement: A lexical feature-based approach
  24. Mirrors and Microparameters
  25. The Simian Tongue: The Long Debate about Animal Language . By Gregory Radick. Chicago (Illinois): University of Chicago Press. $45.00. xiv + 577 p.; ill.; index. 978‐0‐226‐70224‐7. 2007.
  26. Variability and modularity: A response to Hudson
  27. Special issue on English dialect syntax
  28. Variation in English syntax: theoretical implications
  29. Syntax and Syncretisms of the Person Case Constraint
  30. Pronouns Postpose at PF
  31. Combinatorial Variability
  32. Remarks on Minimalist feature theory and Move
  33. Post-Syntactic Movement and the Old Irish Verb
  34. Commentary on ‘exaption and linguistic explanation’
  35. Merge and Move: Wh-Dependencies Revisited
  36. Variation and the minimalist program
  37. Peripheries
  38. Core Questions about the Edge
  39. Circumstantial adverbs and aspect
  40. Predication and Equation
  41. Directionality of Allomorphy: A Reply to Carstairs-Mc Carthy
  42. The Syntax and Semantics of Unselected Embedded Questions
  43. Esther Torrego,The dependencies of objects. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1998. Pp. xii+197.
  44. Eliminating Disjunction in Lexical Specification
  45. Feature Checking Under Adjacency And Vso Clause Structure
  46. Deriving the Parametrisation of the Mapping Hypothesis
  47. Economy and optionality: Interpretations of subjects in Italian
  48. Molly Diesing, Indefinites. (Linguistic Inquiry Monograph 20.) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1992. Pp. xiv + 175.
  49. Introduction
  50. Conclusion
  51. Appendix
  52. Feature checking under adjacency and VSO clause structure
  53. Aspect, agreement and measure phrases in Scottish Gaelic